Prophetic Words
Amanda Shiflett, May 10, 2023
I have prayed for over a year about fully releasing the warning dreams I have been given. The Lord has confirmed in many ways, and I do feel now is the time. Below is a timeline of warning dreams that I have had, which I believe are relative to what is coming....
Barry Wunsch May, 11, 2022 PROPHETIC WORD: ENCOUNTER FOR AMERICA THE BEAUTIFUL: “Barry, tell My people, that it is time many to portage. The water is high, and it is going to get rough through the rapids.” I was taken to a river running fast through a rough and rugged...
Diana Larkin (A Watchman’s Journal), May 7, 2023 – CHASING YOUR TAIL
Diana Larkin A Watchman’s Journal May 7, 2023 CHASING YOUR TAIL “Have you ever seen an animal CHASING ITS TAIL? It’s quite amusing, but it is an EXERCISE in FUTILITY. I want to be sure as you go through this season of EVER-CHANGING CIRCUMSTANCES and UNKNOWN...
Barry Wunsch, May 1, 2023 – It is impossible to stop the justice that is coming!
Prophetic Encounter: It is impossible to stop the justice that is coming! May 1, 2023 Respectfully Submitted Barry Wunsch I was taken in the spirit into a room where Hunter Biden was surrounded by a group of lawyers and inside operatives from the DOJ, and a group of...
Barry Wunsch, April 1, 2023 – The foxes are running around with their tails on fire!
Prophetic Word: The foxes are running around with their tails on fire! April 1,2023 Respectfully Submitted Barry Wunsch Barry, tell My people that Holy Spirit fire has been released upon the enemies camp and the foxes are running around with their tails on fire!...
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