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Barry Wunsch May, 11, 2022


“Barry, tell My people, that it is time many to portage. The water is high, and it is going to get rough through the rapids.”

I was taken to a river running fast through a rough and rugged mountain pass. The water was high, and it was rushing with force.

As if from the spring run-off.  I could see downstream, and the rapids were going to be very rough. The water was crystal clear and ice cold. These white rapids were the worst I had ever seen.

I looked to my left – upstream and saw a river raft drifting along the water. It was full of men and women. But as I looked closer.

They were wearing suits and ties, women in business attire.

They had thrown on life jackets, that were wrong in size and were old and outdated.

There was one man at the front of the boat. Leaning on the front. Holding on for dear life. He had so much fear upon him. He was paralyzed. He looked like a man awaiting his fate. The man I recognized was Dr. F.

This river channel got so narrow and the boulders so big they would never make it through without capsizing.

I then was drawn upstream where I heard a mighty roar, to make matters worse for these political rafters was that the dam upstream has broken. And a mighty flood was released into this river.

It was so powerful it stripped trees, dirt and debris into it.

It was going to get messy.

“Barry, tell My people that there is no stopping what I’m about to release. Barry, tell My people that their prayers are availing much.

For I am about to connect the dots in more detail than ever before.

This time the American people can see for themselves what has really been going on.

What is being released right now is like a zipper running through the middle of the nation from coast to coast that once opened no man or no woman shall be able to close.”

I was taken back into an open vision where I saw the men and women in the raft shapeshift into wolves.

They  were now in a position where they would come to their demise. I watched and saw more rapids coming down the river.

There were more men, and women all being flushed out through these rough and troubled waters.

“By the time that I am done there will be no one left in the boat that should not be there. It will not matter whether they have been red or if they are blue. What I’m bringing now through this nation will and shall extract those who have to go who have been against me and My statutes over this great nation America the beautiful.

Everything that they have done with evil intent they shall be held accountable and responsible unto me. Every knee shall bow unto My name for there is no one that is greater than I and it will soon be clear for all to see. For the blood that has been shed over this land I shall call for recompense.”

I was then shown another wave coming out of Mexico.

There were people as far as my eye could see walking down the road on the way to the American border.

As I was taken up higher, I saw that there were many waves feeding themselves up to different points and crossings.

The sheer numbers that were coming were far more than the authorities were prepared to handle.

I was then taken into a bunker deep in the mountain where I saw a table full of generals. This was like a war strategy room.  There were advisors from all levels that had been working underground with resources that would be in the right moment released to stand and to deal with what was at hand. It appeared to me that these generals and these leaders we’re not working with the false administration that is in place. Many others in the room wore white hats, to me they looked like cowboy hats. These were clearly good men and women. There was a big red telephone on the table that was a direct link to 45. The men, and women in that room were truly the nation’s best. They were running deep, and they were running silent. And they had what they needed in hand when the time was right.

I saw red ships, coming into Cuba. They had been bringing in resources for an advance during the time of perceived weakness.

The underground generals and leaders were well aware of these actions and had everything calculated within their plans.

I watched as a golden fog filled the room full of generals. The presence of the Lord was with them.

It was so strong that gold dust began to settle and appear upon their uniforms and on the table from which they were gathering.

I could see that these leaders were not only trained and the best of the best, but they were also anointed to do what they had to do.

This control center was a hub that connected with platoons, patriots throughout America all of whom were of one heart one mind and one spirit fighting for truth, righteousness and justice.

I was taken into a UN building, where final documents were being prepared for the nations. They were large leather-bound portfolios with a UN emblem on the front as well as a W.H.O. logo on the front.  I knew that these documents were intended to change the way the world was to be run according to some dark and evil plans.

I was taken into an office shown 46’s desk, and it was being prepared for a signing ceremony. They had a big red rubber stamp on his desk; it was not a small stamp but exaggerated big…this was a “sealed and signed” agreement as it came across his desk.

When the contents of this package became known to the American people—I saw the lights starting to come on with revelation of what was going on and the larger plan and soon the whole nation was brought into the light.

“America, America, this land that I love, the home of the brave!

This is your hour! This is your time. Victory shall soon be at hand!

For I am with you so do not be afraid, do not fear. For I have things well at hand.

So prepare, prepare, prepare for the great harvest is at hand.

It is time to let your sacred cows go. For I am doing a new thing and releasing new wineskins in this hour.  What you have previously built will not contain what is coming.

“Remain in Me, wear humility as your mantle, and as you lay yourselves down, I will bring the increase.

For My plans have not changed! It has always been the same.

To rescue the lost. Heal the sick and raise the dead, and so shall it be!  There is nothing that the enemy has put in place from which I cannot deliver you!”

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