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Wanda Alger November 5, 2024 


To those who believe this nation is finished and the wicked have won, the Lord would say,

I’m not done, yet! I am not finished with fulfilling the destiny of this nation and the nations of the earth. Have I not said the earth would be My footstool and My enemies would be defeated? Have I not determined to reveal the knowledge of My glory across the earth? Have I not determined to reveal My sons and daughters as dread champions who are victorious in battle?

You think I am sitting back and relinquishing this nation just because degenerate men have robbed the storehouse and taken this nation hostage? No! I tell you I will not relinquish the blessings I have determined for this nation, nor will I allow the enemy to continue destroying its people. My mercy has been extended for a time but there comes a time of reckoning; a time of vindication; and that time is now.

Remember that it is you, My people, who are the agents of change. It is you who follow Me and listen to My voice that have been given the scepter of authority to override the plots and schemes of the wicked. My arm is not too short and I could certainly act on My own.  But I choose to work through you. For it is you who have always been the target of the adversary. It is you who have been the source of Lucifer’s intense hatred and jealousy, for you have been given the very thing he coveted. You have been given access to the throne and the full inheritance of My kingdom.

He knows that I am powerful enough and can utterly destroy him with just a thought. He knows his end is final and that he can do nothing apart from my oversight and rule. What he can’t stand is YOU. He cannot stomach the favor I give to you, the protection I provide for you, and the authority that I have given you to rule over him with the scepter of righteousness.

This is why I have determined to defeat him through you. Have you not seen My hand reaching out through your prayers, your declarations, and your actions? Have you not recognized My working through your awakening to other realities than what you’ve been told? Throughout this entire journey, I have been strengthening you and empowering you to show the wicked just how powerful YOU are. As you have yielded to Me and drawn from heaven’s power source, your capacity for the miraculous and that which seems impossible, has increased exponentially. I have been working through you to accomplish My purposes, and it brings Me great joy to see it!

It has always been My will and intention to showcase My glory and might through you. The more you draw from Me and truly BELIEVE, the greater the manifestation of My glory will be. This is not the end, but the beginning.  A new chapter in history is being written as the revealing of My sons and daughters are seen across the earth. It is My family and My household of faith that is rising up to rule in the midst of My enemies and unleash waves of heaven’s glory.

Buckle up, people. We’re not done, yet!

We’re just getting started.

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