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Wanda Alger November 4, 2024 


I had a short dream early this morning (Monday, November 4) that indicates we may be “grounded” for a time and our prayers for the nation must continue by faith, and not necessarily by sight.

In the dream I was in my house and heard the loud sound of an airplane overhead. I looked out my window and saw a massive airplane coming down for an emergency landing directly over my house. The wings were huge and it was so low to the ground I was worried the wings would clip my house. It was so unexpected, I tried to record it on my phone but it wouldn’t work. It all happened so fast. (End of dream)

In dreams, flying usually represents prayer and intercession. And where I’ve often seen ships in my dreams representing this nation, airplanes have usually represented the Church. I believe this short dream suggests a soon and coming time when we may be “grounded,” but for the purpose of more strategic prayer in our own communities. Our prayers are going to shift to what’s directly in front of us instead of what’s happening elsewhere in the nation.

Many rumors are circulating about a possible grid shutdown or even martial law as a result of the election. The fact that I couldn’t use my phone in the dream stood out. I am not predicting this – only sharing what I saw in my dream and a possible interpretation. If something does happen to our communications grid, then our source of intel is going to drastically change. I believe the Lord is urging us to continue to pray, but not with our natural understanding or according to the national news. If and when something happens, we must pray by the power of the Spirit to accurately perceive and declare God’s intentions.

“Praying at all times in the Spirit, with all prayer and supplication. To that end keep alert with all perseverance, making supplication for all the saints.” (Ephesians 6:18 ESV)

Given the unknowns, the Lord wants to remind us that we are seated with Him in heavenly places, far above all principalities and powers. As we continue to pray by the Spirit, our prayers will reverberate in the heavens and our oneness and unity will be exponential in effect. Just as we live by faith, we can pray by faith. Our prayers, in accordance with the will of the Father, have great power in the Spirit to accomplish everything He purposes. Regardless of what happens in the natural, our spiritual authority is unchanging and we will see the victory of our Lord and the needed breakthrough for this nation.

I would like to suggest praying Psalms 33 and 34 as starting points in the next few days.

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