Wanda Alger March 8 and 11 2024


The heavens declare the glory of God, and the sky above proclaims His handiwork. Day to day pours out speech, and night to night reveals knowledge.

Psalm 19:1-2 ESV

On March 8, I had a dream where I was sitting at a park table with several other people. The night sky above us was massive and filled with many stars and constellations. I was describing an experience I just had in prayer. I knew that something could be unlocked in the heavens if I focused my prayers rightly. Though others had approached this differently, I knew I was to specifically focus on the Lord and acknowledge the Creator of the heavens. I knew this was key in connecting heaven and earth. As I did this through prayer, I saw the heavens come alive. My focused declarations to the Lord activated something. I saw two different falling stars and fireworks started going off in the distance. I also saw other movement in the night skies and could tell they had responded to this strategic intercession. I was so excited about this display of God that I told my friends I wanted to write similar prayers that could be used publicly. There was some big event coming up and would provide a good opportunity to reach a lot of people. They listened and were very anxious to see this happen.

Upon waking, I immediately sensed this had something to do with the coming eclipse on April 8 and a call to prayer. This event is a sign – an indication of something yet to happen – and a call to pray and prepare. I felt the Lord urging me to consider some strategic prayers in order for Him to accomplish His purposes at this time in history. Feeling that this message was still incomplete, I continued to wait for further clarity.

Then 3 days later on March 11, right before waking, I heard in my spirit a phrase so clearly it almost seemed audible, “…the fiery arrow of Enoch.” When I heard it, I immediately knew by the Spirit it was a prophetic marker concerning my dream, though I had no clue as to what it meant. The Holy Spirit then directed me to the passage in Jude that describes a prophetic word released by Enoch. Upon reading it, I knew that this prophecy of Enoch to a future generation was the “fiery arrow” the Holy Spirit was referencing. It was this directed prophetic word that would give clarity to our prayers concerning this coming sign in the heavens:

It was also about these that Enoch, the seventh from Adam, prophesied, saying, “Behold, the Lord comes with ten thousands of His holy ones, to execute judgment on all and to convict all the ungodly of all their deeds of ungodliness that they have committed in such an ungodly way, and of all the harsh things that ungodly sinners have spoken against Him.”

Jude 1:14-15

He goes on to list the various sins of the people along with a reminder concerning the latter times when such sin will be rampant. It can be expected, but so can God’s intervention. It is then that Jude provides these directives concerning these troubling times when God’s justice will be rendered:

But you, beloved, building yourselves up in your most holy faith and praying in the Holy Spirit, keep yourselves in the love of God, waiting for the mercy of our Lord Jesus Christ that leads to eternal life. And have mercy on those who doubt; save others by snatching them out of the fire; to others show mercy with fear, hating even the garment stained by the flesh.

Jude 1:20-23

This prophecy speaks of a time when the Lord will demonstrate His judgment on wrongdoers and those who have walked in continual and intentional rebellion. A time when the severity of sin across the earth is such that all of heaven will respond in order to execute the needed justice. And though this prophecy could be interpreted as the “final judgment,” I believe there other renderings of God’s justice before His final sentence. I don’t believe the purpose of my dream or the word about the “fiery arrow” was to suggest some doomsday timeline. I believe this reference to Enoch’s prophecy indicates how to prepare for a time of heavenly intervention that will usher in the fear of the Lord.

There has never before been a time in history when we have been so globally connected and aware of evil and sin. Just as in the days of Noah, the whole earth has been corrupted by the seed of Satan and poisoned by the enemy’s venom. And yet, the needed justice against the ungodly and corrupt has not been fully met. Though we have seen a measure, the needed judgments against the wicked on the earth has yet to be seen for the collective good.

I believe this is what the Lord is preparing us for. A time when the whole earth will see HIS justice rendered and HIS wrath against evil doers fully displayed. It will not be His final judgment, but a visible demonstration of who He is so that no doubt will remain as to His sovereign rule over the earth. It will be visible proof that there are consequences for those who disobey and consistently refuse His laws.

But, it will also be a demonstration of His favor on the righteous and the blessings poured out upon those who live according to His word. Fueled by His love and mercy, it will be undeniable evidence that those who follow Him will be rewarded. Following this tangible demonstration of the fear of the Lord, there will be an increase of the Holy Spirit’s power and presence upon the earth to usher in many souls to the Kingdom. Having seen the proof of His sovereign rule, the choice will be given for many to turn from the path of destruction to eternal life.

It is to this end, that Jude cites this prophecy of Enoch so that we will know how to pray through this time of intense discipline and correction. Based on verses 20-23, I would like to suggest these directives as we pray and intercede in the coming weeks and months:

1. Build yourselves up in your most holy faith. Feed on the Word of truth and anchor your hope in Him. Do not listen to the bait of the enemy or man’s opinions. Secure your faith in the goodness of God and His plans for our hope and future.

2. Pray in the Holy Spirit. Do not lean on your own understanding, but pray according to the Spirit’s direction. There are things that will never be known by our natural minds, so we must pray in our heavenly language in order to speak His perfect will for all things.

3. Keep yourselves in the love of God. Do not allow hope deferred, frustration, or bitterness to cloud your judgment. Love well, and trust that everything He does is out of His intense love for all that He has created.

4. Wait for the mercy of our Lord Jesus Christ that leads to eternal life. There is a mercy that only the Lord can give. It is an unconditional love that is not humanly possible, yet leads even the wicked to turn from their ways.

5. Have mercy on those who doubt. Be patient with those who are blind, and pray that the lies of the enemy will be broken off their lives.

6. Save others by snatching them out of the fire. Look for those who are trapped and unable to escape the enemy’s hooks. Ask for a heart of zeal that seeks to help others more than self-protect.

7. To others, show mercy with fear, hating even the garment stained by the flesh. Walk in the fear of the Lord and guard your heart from the contamination of sin. Hate what God hates, but love what God loves.

Other prophetic voices have spoken about the coming sign in the heavens and the call to prayer. There is no doubt that God wants to get everyone’s attention. But it is not unto “the end.” Rather, the intervention we are about to see from heaven will be an invitation to change. It will be unmistakable in both its power and its presence. God will make Himself known as never before and it will usher in a time of increased habitation of the Holy Spirit in our midst. Millions will come to know the fear of the Lord and choose to walk in His ways. Even the heavens will speak of His glory and He is inviting us to take part in this heavenly demonstration of Kingly rule and authority. May we pray accordingly.

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