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Veronika West

January 27, 2025 

…Friends Please Take Note of the *DATES*…Of the Following Word/s….; This first Word I Share,…came almost a Year into a Biden/Harris Administration…; The Spirit of Revelation had already spoken about the Seven-Headed Serpent Spirit in 2019…and He came to address it again to me in 2020….and then in 2021…!

…Today the Spirit of Revelation took me to this Word…and Shows me that NOW…many aspects of BOTH WORDS are beginning to manifest; SHIELDS UP!!

🔥AMERICA A FORERUNNER NATION; https://www.hiskingdomprophecy.com/america-a-forerunner-nation/

…🔥America: A Forerunner Nation!

April 21, 2021 Veronika West..

“America… Fear not!  For I AM bringing you forth from the Flames of Affliction as pure Gold…

Listen!  As The Roar of The Lion of Judah now awakens the deep sleepers, and the Great Eagles will rise from the flames, covered in the Gold of My Glory, carrying the Fires of Revival upon their wings!”

🎯Esther…; America, a Forerunner nation!

So, three night ago I had a powerful dream.  It was not a long dream, but when I woke up, I was overcome with a deep travail and weeping for the nation of America.

As I began to cry out for this nation, suddenly I was shown Esther, and how Esther was prepared by Mordecai, as a forerunner for the freedom of God’s People from captivity and bondage.

Now as I looked at Esther, I heard these Words, “Like Esther, who was prepared by the leading of Mordecai and raised up as a forerunner for the freedom of her people, so now My Sovereign Hand is moving strategically in this hour to prepare the heart of this nation, to be a forerunner nation among the nations, that will cry out for the freedom and liberty of captive nations.

Watch!  For the sceptre of My Favour will now be extended towards the Nation that has been purified and in The Fires of Affliction!”

🎯The Whirlwind of His Word and The Rainbow River of His Spirit coming together!…

As I heard those Words, suddenly I felt an intense heat hit me in the dream, and a searing hot wind began to blow round about me.

As the hot winds got more and more intense, I began to cry out to The LORD for the land, when suddenly I was caught up higher in the dream, and I found myself standing looking down at the Nation, where I was shown a small fire burning at the very centre point of the nation.

As I looked down at the small fire which was flickering in the darkness, suddenly I could see beautiful big mountains on one side and a long winding river on the other side.

Then I heard The Spirit of Revelation say, ”Watch!  For by The Spirit and Power of Elijah, I will shake, shake, shake the great mountains of this land, and the waters of the rivers will begin to rise.

For a greater outpouring of My Spirit is now coming to this Nation.  Listen!  For The Roar of The Lion of Judah shall shake the foundations of this Nation, and the cry of the Great Eagle shall shift the spiritual atmosphere.

For a divine separation is now taking place.  For the boundaries of this nation are now being realigned and rearranged.

Watch what comes forth from the Fires in the days ahead, for The Wings of The Great Eagle shall drip with Tongues of Revival Fire and the sound of The Roar of The Lion of Judah shall awaken the nations from a deep sleep.

For the Gold of My Glory is coming to the nations in the mighty rushing Rainbow River of My Spirit within The Great Whirlwind of My Word!”

As I heard those Words, my eyes were drawn again back to the Fire which was burning at the centre of the nation(s) and then I heard The Spirit say, ”Watch as the searing hot winds of My Spirit begins to blow forth upon the Fire!”

As I heard The Spirit speak, suddenly, I saw a Great Whirlwind beginning to form in the heavens, and as I looked at the Great Whirlwind, I saw what looked like Ancient Scrolls within the Whirlwind, Scrolls that were sealed, were now being opened.

And as I watched the Ancient Scrolls unraveling within the winds of the mighty Whirlwind, I saw the Words that were written on the Ancient Scrolls begin to lift off the paper and swirl violently within the Whirlwind, and I watched as the Great Whirlwind became as a Whirlwind filled with the Words of the Ancient Scrolls..

As I looked at this taking place in the dream,

🎯The Whirlwind of The Word and The Rainbow River of The Spirit collide….

…Suddenly I saw a mighty rushing Rainbow River coming out of the deeper realms and dimensions of the first heaven, and suddenly I saw the mighty Whirlwind which was filled with The Words of The Ancient Scrolls, colliding with the mighty rushing Rainbow River.

And then I heard these Words loudly echo in The Realm of The Spirit, “For the great Whirlwind of My Word and the mighty Rainbow River of My Spirit shall collide and come together to shake, shift and sift the Nations of the earth that stand in The Valley of Decision.

For now The Spirit and Power of Elijah shall begin to manifest in this nation, and in the Nations of the earth.

Watch!  As the Whirlwind of My Word and The Rainbow River of My Spirit goes forth in Power and Might to Change, Transform and Reform the landscape of the Nations of the earth!”

🎯All creation is groaning for a manifestation of The Sons of God!

…And as those words went forth in the dream, my eyes were drawn back again for a third time to the Fire that was burning at the centre of the Nation as suddenly I heard The Sound of Weeping..

A Sound of Deep Travail began to rise, and as the sound penetrated the atmosphere, I saw the mountains begin to tremble and the waters of the river began to rise.

As The Sound of Weeping and Deep Travail continued to fill the atmosphere in the dream, suddenly I heard a new and different and distinct sound begin to rise up from the ground.

As I listened to the two sounds rising up before the heavens, I heard these Words,  “Listen, for the sound of all creation is groaning, groaning for the manifestation of The Sons of God!”

And as I heard those Words,…

🎯The sound of the Gold Three-Stranded Chord and The Song of The Ages rises…

…I saw the sound of the ground and the sound the Saints in Deep Travail rising together…

Then suddenly I heard a Third Sound coming out of the heavens — a sound that was yet again different and distinct from the other two sounds.

Then I saw what looked like a Gold Three-Stranded Cord come up before me in the dream, and as I looked at the Three-Stranded Cord, I saw that the Gold Cord, was the three different and distinct sounds that were coming together in the Spirit Realm!

🎯Divine Convergence that awakens The Deep Sleepers and unlocks The Door of Revival and Reformation!..

Then I heard these Words,  ”Listen!  For a Divine Convergence of Sounds will take place in the heavens and over the nations of the earth.

A sound of Divine Distinction, Yes!  A Gold Three-Stranded Chord, an Ancient Sound, a Song of The Ages shall rise and come together, that shall awaken the deep sleeping Nations to their true identity and Kingdom Authority.

…A sound that will unlock The Door of Revival and Reformation in the Nations of the earth!”..

As I heard those Words, the dream shifted again, and I saw the Fire that was burning at the centre of the Nation, and I saw the Fire suddenly begin to grow and expand as The Ancient Sound and The Song of The Ages filled the atmosphere.

Then I watched the Fire burned brighter and brighter, and the flames of the Fire rose higher and higher.

🎯The Fires of Revival shall come on The Wings of The Great Eagle!..

Then suddenly I heard the sound of the cry of a Great Eagle coming forth from within the Fire, a cry that pierced and penetrated the veil of darkness that covered the nation.

And then suddenly, I saw a Great Fiery Eagle coming out of the fire, a Great Eagle with blazing wings of Gold which dripped with Tongues of Fire.

I watched as The Great Eagle flew forth across the land, and as The Great Fiery Eagle flew, I watched as the Tongues of Fire which dripped from its wings, fell down upon the land, and hundreds upon thousands of small Fires began to burn brightly across the land.

Then my eyes were drawn back to the Fire from where The Great Eagle had emerged, and I saw more and more Great Eagles coming forth from the Flames, each one had wings of Gold that dripped with Tongues of Flaming Fire.

I watched as the Great Fiery Eagles flew forth across to all four corners of the earth.  Some flew to the north, some to the south; they flew to the west and to the east of the Nations of the earth, carrying the Fires of Revival on their wings!

🎯The Seven Mountains and the Seven-Headed Serpent-Spirit that circles them, laying siege to the wealth of The Kingdom!

…As I watched this taking place in the dream, suddenly the dream shifted and I saw again The Great Whirlwind of Words from The Ancient Scrolls and the rushing Rainbow River moving with great power and acceleration towards The Nation of America.

….🔥I saw the caps of Seven Mountains come up before me, and as I looked at the seven caps of the mountains, I saw a seven-headed serpent-spirit circling The Seven Mountains, and I heard these Words, “For the serpent-spirit has ruled over The Seven Mountains and had laid siege to the wealth of the nations.

🔥But watch, as The Whirlwind of My Word and the Rushing Rainbow River of My Spirit will now move upon The Seven Mountains, for a great shaking has now begun to take place.

🎯For the time of a Great Transfer of Kingdom Wealth is now here!”

As I heard those Words, I saw The Whirlwind and The Rainbow River moving towards The Seven Mountains and I watched as the seven vibrant colours of The River of The Seven Spirits of God within The Great Whirlwind began to flow forth upon The Seven Mountains, like seven mighty tidal waves of the sea.

I watched as The Rainbow River of The Seven Spirits of God began to wash over each of The Seven Mountains.

Suddenly I heard these Words echo in The Spirit Realm, “For The Spirit of The LORD will rest on him, The Spirit of Wisdom and Understanding, The Spirit of Counsel and Strength, The Spirit of Knowledge and The Fear of The LORD.”

As those Words were quickened to me in the dream, I heard The Spirit say, “Come up higher, let me show you what is come!”

Suddenly I woke up and as I opened my eyes, I heard The Spirit say,  ”America… Fear not!  For I AM bringing you forth from The Flames of Affliction as pure Gold.

Listen!  As The Roar of The Lion of Judah now awakens the deep sleepers, and The Great Eagles will rise from the Flames covered in the Gold of My Glory, carrying the Fires of Revival upon their wings!”


The dream seemed to end very abruptly and often times when this happens to me, I know that The LORD will soon show me more, as The Spirit leads.

So I wait with great expectation to see what more will be revealed on The Seven Mountains and the Seven Headed serpent-spirit and the great transfer of Kingdom Wealth that is coming.

As I prayed over this dream and this particular aspect of the dream with regards to The Seven Mountains and seeing the whirlwind and The Rainbow River of The Seven Spirits of God hitting the mountains, it was quickened to me the dream I had about…. Trump and the Five Tidal Waves…  (more to share on this soon)….

🎯…I submit…  The Great Transfer of Kingdom Wealth is strategically connected to the Rising Remnant/ the Ekklesia taking her place, the Destiny of President Trump, and the out-working of the mandate that God has given him to Carry for the Nation in this hour!

Join Us for an exclusive 2-hour LIVE Masterclass on March 12, 2025