For I, the Lord, this day, am calling My children to brace for what is about to hit this Earth. This shaking is like nothing you have ever seen or experienced before. I, the Lord, am speaking these words to tell you what is to come, so do not fear this great shaking. This shaking will set you free from this world and its demonic system that has held you bound along with the world leaders who have manipulated and controlled this Earth without most of the world knowing what they were doing against you.

During this time of great shaking, truth shall be poured out to break through all the lies that have held this world to believe what they see and are experiencing is just life and it’s normal. Another deception of this time is that what they are telling you is the truth when that is the farthest thing from the real truth. They are all liars, and the father of lies is controlling each and every one of them.

My children have been enslaved to this world system and its leaders, and this is the time for all of what you see of their rule to come to an end.

My children, you are about to experience freedom and celebrations you have never known before, a joy never experienced to this degree. Enemies of Almighty God will all fall from their places of power, never to rule over you again, My children.

Watch and listen for a great earthquake, a big one. They will announce it on the news in the Netherlands. Do not fear, My children. This is not for you. I will protect you. Netherlands, this earthquake is to shake the ground beneath the feet of the wicked ones who had planted things in your nation. I am your Protector, so I will destroy their plans and save and protect you at the same time. I am for you, so who can be against you, saith the Lord of Hosts.

New Zealand, you will experience bigger earthquakes than normal. Yes, the earthquakes are to shake and awaken those who are still asleep in your land. These earthquakes are bigger, yes, but do not fear them. I am protecting you, and I am shielding you from the damage they will cause. These are directed at the enemies of Almighty God, and it will shake the ground and the government officials who are against you and Me. My children, I am showing the world and every government official that I am in control and that all their plans are being destroyed even as I speak these words.

You will hear of darkness, shakings, and economies crashing. Things will appear to get worse, but do not fear or be moved by appearances. This great darkness is for the enemies of Almighty God. Their darkness is your deliverance. Yes, a sudden shutdown of the world, it will seem like. I am shutting down your enemies. All their power and all their plans will be completely annihilated. I am destroying their hold over you and this Earth. Their economy will crash and be decimated by Me, saith the Lord.

Remember, My children, that is their system, and I am putting a new Financial System in this world where there is more than enough, and no one will suppress or hold My people and their finances back.

There’s a great shaking coming to the banking systems all over this world like no one has ever seen or experienced before. The banks that have been holding you hostage will hold you no more. Every elite that was manipulating the system will not only be exposed but will be judged for their financial hold over you. I, the Lord, have seen and heard their plans. They are dirty deals set up against not only My children to keep them captive but also against every person in this world.

Again, I say the banking system of this world will be destroyed completely, and a new one will be reborn. I will put in place the financial system that was always meant to be in this world that your enemies cheated you out of for centuries. Yes, they put a system in this world without Me in it, just like Nimrod, so that they could control the masses. This beast system controls your every walk of life, and I, The Great I AM, am ripping it apart and destroying all that is left of this system, never to have its hold over My body to this degree again. They will try another one in the Tribulation, but My children, you will not have to take part in that because I am delivering you from their control. The Great Tribulation is not yet, and it is not for you, children of Almighty God.

Argentina will be in the news. Watch and listen to why, My children. There is more to this story than you are being told. It is not how it appears to be, but I, the Lord, will reveal the truth.

Watergate, yes, this word will be used in the news to compare breaking news to what has happened in the past to what is going on right now. But, My children, this new Watergate is like no other. The doors have been ripped off their hinges, so they can’t hide behind those doors with all their secrets and dirty dealings anymore. No, for I, the Lord, am blowing the lid off of all their plans, and I am exposing everyone. Rapid-fire, yes, like never before. The enemies of Almighty God will never regain their foothold again to fight back after what is hitting them right now.

There was a war they wanted. Well, they are getting a war like no other but a war they didn’t want. This will destroy them all. World War 3, Lord? No, a war in the heavenlies that has destroyed their power, all the demonic walls, and all the protection they thought they had. There has been a war in the spirit, and they lost. Yes, My angel armies have destroyed the power of the ones that prop them up, and the world leaders will have nothing left to fight with. They are helpless against My power and authority, My children, and that power and authority live in you. Speak their defeat and watch how fast they fall.

The timing had to be perfect. All the dominos are about to fall to the ground. A great show, a great spectacle will be seen. Yes, My show has begun. My show of truth will take away all the power of the enemy, their influence, their finances, and with some, even their life will be taken from them.

The news media is about to take one hit after another, proving to the world how fake and false they are. I am not just destroying their financial system over you. I’m destroying their mountain of media and its demonic hold over you. I, the Lord, have destroyed its power, control, and hold over this world. Truth is annihilating their lies that held this world captive.

A snake pit will be discovered and reported in your news. This will be a sign that I am uncovering the snakes in your media and also the snakes that have represented you and this nation that were there for themselves. These snakes are being silenced, and their mouths are being shut by Me, saith the Lord of Hosts.

Many leaders will walk away, step down, retire, or die. Yes, watch as shock waves hit this Earth when one world leader after another walks away from their places of power.

A war? They will continue to try and start more wars around this world. They think that causing chaos everywhere will stop their ultimate demise. But, My children, no matter what they say or do, their plans will never work. I have people all over this world to catch them in the act and to stop them in their tracks. Their wars will come to nothing, and they will all be removed by Me, saith the Lord. Sentenced and judged for crimes and sins they have committed in this world that are so demonic, it will be hard for you, My children, to hear. But I will raise you up higher than anything they used to keep you down. The enemies of Almighty God are all being destroyed. At the same time, I am delivering all My children out of their control.

Watch, My children. My hand is moving now, and you will see what I, the Lord, have done for you behind the scenes. I am bringing all this to the center stage for the world to see that I do exist, that I love people, that I love freedom and justice, that I will avenge My children, and there is nothing your enemies can do about it.

Rapids will be in your news. Watch and see what is being reported, and remember that I am in control of this Earth, and there is nothing your enemies can do about that, saith the Lord of Hosts.

My children, listen and really hear the news reports against ‘the Biden’ and look to see what they do and say next. They are giving their plans away subtly in front of your eyes. I warned you about Obama and what he wants to do. Oh yes, he wants ‘the Biden’ out of the way. See what they try to do to remove him and free themselves from ‘the Biden’s’ mouth. Their desperation will lead to more mistakes on live TV. Greater gaffs are coming, My children. Listen carefully to their words. Truth will keep slipping from their lips with no way to stop it, for I, the Lord, have said these are the days of Truth coming like a flood, and it will destroy all their lives and all their plans. These are the days of their judgment and their defeat.

Hold on, children of Almighty God. The Great I AM is here to deliver you from their control. Yes, this is true, and the whole world will see that I have given you the real news in the midst of their lies to free you from their deception in their captivity.

News is about to break about Nancy Pelosi and January 6th. The truth can no longer be suppressed. I am freeing this nation from that lie and freeing the ones who have been wrongfully imprisoned.

Hold on, My children, and brace for truth that will shake this world like never before and break their hold over you. So rejoice and keep speaking their defeat and the destruction of their system that once held this world captive.

For I, the Lord, am moving with the freedom I will bring to this earth and a system to live in that I have designed for My children. So get ready for the great Exodus that will lead you into a Promised Land, a way of life never known by this world before to this degree.

This is your time, children of Almighty God. So shout and rejoice. This is the year to set the captives free, and you will see it sooner than you think. All will change suddenly, and the world will know this could only have been done by the One True God. My church, get ready for the flood of people pouring into your doors wanting to know your Lord and Savior on a personal level. They want to know the Great I AM, the Creator of Heaven and Earth that just saved the world from tyranny. Yes, this is a year like no other, so get ready, My children, for an outpouring of Truth, Glory, miracles, signs, and wonders, saith the Lord your Redeemer.

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