“The Lord has emphasized Hebrews 12:25-28 to me, which tells us not to turn our back on heavenly warnings. The Lord is going to rock the heavens – thrones, principalities and powers of Hell. There will be a shaking, a thorough house cleaning, to get rid of sin and religious compromise. The unshakable essentials will stand, clear and uncluttered. We have been told repeatedly not to fear, for we are part of an unshakable Kingdom and our God is not an indifferent bystander. The world is banking on His indifference, but they are about to be greatly disappointed.

“Ephesians 6:10-11 (NKJV) says, ‘…be strong in the Lord and in the power of His might. Put on the whole armor of God…’ We must be prepared in this season. A battle will rage for the soul of this nation and we must engage and win it. Prepare yourself for this fierce war season. Prepare to battle spiritual thrones of iniquity that influence government. Understand that you must fight with prayers, faith decrees, and worship warfare.

“Use the weapons of your warfare; they are not carnal, but mighty through your God to the pulling down of strongholds (2 Corinthians 10:4). Prepare yourself to go into battle alongside angels by proclaiming His Word (Psalm 103:20). It is time to engage in this breakthrough battle that will lead us toward a billion-soul harvest. It is time to engage principalities and powers of darkness, and confront those they use in the natural realm. It’s time to confront the prophets of Baal in the media, the education system, and government.

“The hour has come to report to the battle lines. It is time to march, advance, and possess the land. Though there be giants in the land, do not fear. Like David, gather stones and prepare your sling. Sharpen your spiritual swords, for they will be needed to cut off the heads of spiritual giants. The Lord will go before you and empower you.

“It’s time to listen and hear the pre-battle proclamations, the sounding forth of battle cries, the beating of drums. There is a call for bold passion, much like warriors have heard throughout the ages. We are not here to hold the fort until the cavalry gets here, Ekklesia. We are the cavalry!

“We must advance with Holy Spirit and the angel armies. We are to follow the Breaker, King Jesus. It’s our time to awaken and arise, take the land, and reset history with determined, unflinching faith.

“One of the prayers of the early Church has captured my attention. Acts 4:29 (NLT): ‘And now, O Lord, hear their threats, and give us, Your servants, great boldness in preaching Your Word.’

“The early Church was part of a movement possessing unrestrained boldness; they said what God said. I am hearing that call to us now.

“Holy Spirit is pouring out an anointing of boldness on His Ekklesia. Power to prevail is soaking His remnant. Rise and roar with King Jesus! March into battle with confident peace, knowing He is with you!”

Join Us for an exclusive 2-hour LIVE Masterclass on March 12, 2025