An uprising is coming | Prophet Charlie Shamp


I heard the Spirit of the Lord say, “An uprising is coming! It has been brewing underneath, but now you will see the uprising as the enemy attempts to remove righteousness completely from the land. Hear me this day righteous remnant in America, you must arise and decree my covenant over your nation. You must arise and declare your birthright for you were birthed as a nation founded upon me. Decree and declare your birthright and fresh breath will enter your weary bones. I will expose the wicked weeds in your government that refuse to repent and bow to me. I am separating the wicked from the righteous seed that has been planted in the soil of your nation. My hand will uproot this uprising as its springs forth if you pray! You must decree your birthright before my heavenly courts and I will silence the wicked one in the courts upon the earth in your land. For what they attempt to do I will turn it around upon them and they will fall upon their face in disgrace. Where they will attempt to prosecute, I will overturn and throw out. Lift up your voice to me and decree your birthright America and I will remove and uproot wickedness and wash the land white as snow. The scales of Justice will tip in your favor and the bowls of judgement will tip over upon the wicked one. Watch and pray for I will bring a great turnaround in a single day. You will hear the sound of the roar at the return of the lion in the land. The hunter will become the hunted.”

– Prophet Charlie Shamp

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