Prophet Charlie Shamp

JUNE 3, 2023

America: Who shall ascend the hill of the Lord? 

I heard the Spirit of the Lord say, “The well of information in Rehoboth will only be the start of what is to come. For the meetings in the vineyard will be uncovered and bring greater light of exposer. The little foxes that met in the vineyard to steal the fruits of the American people will be found out. Their web of lies will come undone and those that burrowed into the Bureau of Investigation to bury the evidence will be caught red handed. Yes I will tie their hands, yes I will tie their lying lips, yes I will tie their tails together and a scandal will be set ablaze. I will cause a change to come, a transfer of power as I will set in the one I have called to be the head that leads your nation and take out the tail. Follow the trail for it reveals the truth that is hidden in plain sight. Get ready for a surprise and a shock to come.

Look to twenty four, it will open the door to a nations destiny. Can you see it? Psalms twenty four; who will ascend the hill of the Lord? Who will ascend the hill of the Lord? Hillary is there not blood on your hands? Where can you run from my presence? Have you not made your bed? How can you continue to lie in state? Who will stand in my holy place? Have not my prophets? Did they not say that Benjamin would stand in his rightful place? Look to Israel and what do you see? Does he not sit in his rightful seat? Will the one I have called a David not sit in his rightful seat as well?

America what have they opened your doors to? Look to your walls, your ports, your boards; was there not collusion? Yes, but which country and which party? Will there not be a conclusion to the illusion they have created? Yes, it will come and there will be a convulsion! I will go before you and make this crooked nation straight. I go before you to open before you the two leaved gates and the gates will not be shut. And I will give you a treasure in a dark web, a hidden thing in a secret place. There is a link in a star in the sky, look for it and you will see the eye of a spy.

Get ready for a surprise and a shock to come. A shocking thing will be seen across the screen. Watch the walls, says the Lord. There will be a tale of two countries and their walls. Turn your eyes to the Great Wall of China, I will shake it as a sign. A sign of an economic shaking in China. I will shake the wall and a housing crisis will come. I will shake a nation and a party for what they have done. An economic downturn, a minor setback to the plan they say?  No an economic crisis will come for what was done.

Turn your eyes to a nation with its walls that have fallen down. Watch as I raise them up once again, but not in a way that you suspect. I have called my elect to pray protection upon my people in the country. I hear the cry, ‘the borders, oh the horrors.’ America you once cried, ‘Give me your tired, your poor, your huddled masses yearning to breathe free!’ Yet do you protect the weak? What about your children? Do you protect them from the wicked wolves? Why do they gasp for their last breath? Who will ascend my hill? Is it not those who have clean hands and a pure heart? Is it not those who have not lifted up their soul unto vanity, nor sworn deceitfully? Are these not the ones that will receive blessing from me? Your political leaders have they not been lifted up? Have they not passed perversion and legislated corruption for their own political gain? Did they not swear to protect, but sworn deceitfully behind closed doors? I will open the doors and the gates will be open for all to see. The firewalls won’t protect from the firestorm that is to come, I am opening the flood gate.

I hear the cry, ‘there is a flood at the borders of the nation.’ Hear me this day; I have given you the children that were not your own. Is this not the harvest you have sown by aborting your own seed? Do you not flood the abortion clinics? Does this nation not have an issue of blood on it hands? Is your capital’s hill not stained in the blood of the unborn? Who will ascend my hill? Only those who have clean hands and a repented heart. Repent and I will raise my walls of protection once again around your nation. Does not my word say, ‘If my people, who are called by my name, will humble themselves and pray and seek my face and turn from their wicked ways, then I will hear from heaven, and I will forgive their sin and will heal their land.’ Lift up your heads, O ye gates; and be ye lift up, ye everlasting doors; and the King of glory will come in, yes I will come in once again at the sound of the cry of repentance.”

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