Prophet Charlie Shamp, January 15, 2025

For the heavens have opened, and a heavy rain is descending upon you, a divine downpour that carries the weight of His glory and grace. The Spirit of the Lord is declaring, “This is your set season! This is your appointed time, the kairos moment when I am calling you forth to arise and shine!”

As the rain nourishes the earth, so too will my blessings saturate your soul. What has been dry and barren is about to flourish and bloom under the abundant outpouring of my favor. Fear not the clouds that gather overhead, for they are not a sign of impending storms, but rather a herald of the blessings that are being released! The sound of the rain is a promise fulfilled; a promise that I will restore, revive, and rejuvenate all that concerns you.

In this season, I am breaking the chains of delay and disappointment. I am ushering in a wave of transformation that will sweep through your life, making way for new opportunities and divine connections. The obstacles that have hindered your progress will be washed away, and in their place, I will establish pathways of purpose and destiny.

Rise up, O weary one! Cast off the weight of yesterday and embrace the fresh anointing that is pouring out upon you now. Let the rain cleanse you, renew you, and prepare you for the tasks I have set before you. Your light is meant to shine brightly in the darkness, and it is in this season of divine outpouring that I will illuminate your path.

So, take heart and rejoice, for the showers of blessings are falling upon you! Stand firm in faith, for I am doing a new thing; do you not perceive it? As you step into this season of abundance, know that I am with you. You are my beloved, and I delight in showering you with my love and provision. Arise and shine, for your light has come, and the glory of the Lord is rising upon you!”

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