Nate Johnston July 30, 2023 Facebook

I was visited by an Angel of the Lord last night in my sleep who kept strumming a harp over me and saying “David awake!”

A few weeks ago at Her Voice Movement God awoke in me the song I had been hiding for years. The song I was avoiding singing because of disappointment and stifling attached to an old season. I was a worshipper and pastor for years before I stepped into my jacket to prophesy. I had released some prophetic worship tracks years ago but was still fighting stepping into it fully, and found it easier just to prophesy. But this was an ambush moment and two generals said to me “You are avoiding who you are! You are a psalmist and prophet!”

It was humbling and sobering to say the least. I have been avoiding it for many reasons.

Now you are probably thinking that this is a very personal thing to share here but I felt that my encounter last night was not just for me like many of my dreams and encounters are.

I feel the wrestle today. I’m always talking about risky faith steps and wearing your “weighty part” of your jacket but I’m having to do the same whatever that looks like.

Here’s my point: There has been a massive empty space in the body of Christ. I saw it in the spirit. Where are the worshippers and psalmists who don’t just sing but take the church into realms of heaven?

Where did they go?

When did we just settle for entertainers?

David’s awake.

There are many David’s around the world already but I believe this Angelic visitation represented a clarion call for the Davidic worshippers who have been in hiding to pick up their harp again.

We can’t keep wrestling this.

When Saul was demonized, David played and the evil spirit left. We aren’t called to play songs but to shift atmospheres and usher in heaven and roll out the red carpet for the King of Glory.

In March of the year Kim Clement passed I heard the Lord say “Where are the Kim Clements of the earth?” not knowing what was about to transpire.

We don’t need more worshipers exactly, but governmental UNLOCKERS (Isaiah 22:22) in regions and cities. Bezerkers at the front of the battle who will break the way open (Micah 2:13)

So if this is you and you are either fighting or hiding part of your calling. This is a sobering reminder to step into it and stop being disobedient(Yes I’m talking to myself here)

You can’t keep avoiding and diverting who you are into a role that only reveals part of the call on your life.

I hope this super real processing moment helps some of you out there.

Be the FULL you no matter how it comes across initially.


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