Nate Johnson July 23, 2023


In a dream a few nights ago I kept hearing this scripture;

“For the eyes of the Lord roam throughout the earth, so that He may strongly support those whose heart is completely His” 1 Chronicles 16:9

Then I saw the Lord as a large Eagle that was brooding over the earth looking for those with a pure heart. Then it started swooping down over the nations of the earth with its talons extended releasing a war-cry.

In response, other eagles that were alone and dormant suddenly begin to cry out and joined the skies to unite together with the other eagles.

I believe this dream is what God is doing right now in this hour in the earth. I believe that the Lord is brooding over the earth and looking for His war eagles that would rise up and take the heights for him and begin to release a cry over the nations.

It’s a prophetic company of people that have been in hiding, that have been alone, and that the Lord is calling out of hiding in this hour and He is joining together for a mighty purpose in the earth.

The purpose of the eagles is to release the strategy of the Lord, the wisdom of the Lord, the new sound, and the war-cry that awaken Gods people who asleep and would begin to sift out what is pure from impure.

And the call of the Eagles is to call the body Christ higher in this time.

Far too many eagles have been in isolation and the brooding is the shaking and the deliverance to call them out of dormancy. It’s time for the eagles to gather again.

It’s time for the eagles to spread their wings.

It’s time for the eagles to release their cry.


Earlier in the year as we were driving from Colorado over in into New Mexico, I had this vision of this incredible golden eagle that had its wings spread, but its bones were brittle, its muscles weak, and every second or third feather was missing.

I said, ”Lord, what, what am I seeing?”

And He said to me that the eagles had been under attack and had their feathers ripped and torn.

I know that this speaks of the prophets, the pure prophets in states, in cities, and in nations of the earth that have had their feathers plucked by the enemy.

They have been bullied and under fire by the Jezebel spirit that has been trying to seduce them into compromise and apathy, and by the religious spirit that has been trying to discredit and assassinate this prophetic company.

There’s been an onslaught of territorial spirits and principalities in regions that have been trying to stop these eagles from soaring higher and releasing their cry.

You see, you need all your feathers in your wings to be able to soar to the heights and also the feathers of an eagle are its glory.

The enemy has been trying to strip the prophets of their glory because a prophet without its glory  is just an Ichabod that carry’s no authority, power, signs and wonders, or the pure word of the Lord.

And many eagles have being silent. They’ve lost their cry and they’ve lost their sound. But the Lord is restoring the eagles to their post right now, and he’s restoring them to their company.

He’s brooding over you. Even right now as you’re reading this, I pray that you’d feel a rumbling in your belly. I pray that you feel the spirit of God beginning to move and beginning to tremble the waters of your spirit, and beginning to cause you to come alive.

It is time to come up to the high places and begin to release your war-cry again says the Lord.

This is what you were created for. You were not created to cower, you were not created to stay silent. You were created in this hour to be the eagle of the Lord that releases the voice of the Lord into the earth!

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