Nate Johnson August 26, 2024


Recently I’ve seen a major flaring attack on the body of Christ from the Jezebel spirit, and it came to me: this is 1 Kings 19.

“So Jezebel sent a messenger to Elijah to say, “May the gods deal with me, be it ever so severely if by this time tomorrow, I do not make your life like that of one of them.” —1 Kings 19:2

You see, we are in a moment when rain is coming, and God is sifting His true prophets. We are entering a moment of breakthrough unlike anything we’ve ever seen in the body of Christ. We are in the era of the revealing of Jesus through a mighty people, and in that moment again, Jezebel has sent a threat to the camp of the remnant.

It is the threat of assassination and complete annihilation.

This is why, in the last few weeks, it has felt like there has been an attack from every single angle. Everything has become volatile. There have been threats, slander, and chatter, unlike anything you’ve probably seen in your entire life. The mental warfare has hit a place where you’ve just wanted to run like Elijah and hide.

“Elijah was afraid and ran for his life. When he came to Beersheba in Judah, he left his servant there, while he himself went a day’s journey into the wilderness. He came to a broom bush, sat down under it and prayed that he might die. “I have had enough, Lord,” he said. “Take my life; I am no better than my ancestors.” Then he lay down under the bush and fell asleep” —2 Kings 19:3-5

I believe we’re in a moment right now where Jezebel has positioned her Ahabs, Athaliahs, and her eunuchs around you. Notice in the verse above that she “sent a messenger to curse Elijah?” She doesn’t do her own bidding. She sends people. That’s when your phone blows up. Your emails blow up.

That’s when threats and slander come from all angles, where situations erupt from nowhere and set off a chain reaction of others that jump on the bandwagon and do the same.

We know that Jezebel represents a spirit of control, manipulation, and rebellion against God that seeks to undermine true prophetic voices, destroy godly authority, and establish a counterfeit spiritual authority rooted in idolatry and deception.

Athaliah is sent to bring drama and contention and reinforce Jezebel’s plan to make you run, bow, or cower to her viscousness. That’s when things flare up around you, and you are suddenly surrounded by wounded and bleeding people who have given themselves over to their bitterness and project it upon you. But her real plan is to tear you down and expose you.

The Ahabs represent weak or compromised people, often leadership characterized by passivity, spiritual negligence, and an inability to stand for righteousness. Ahab, as a king, allowed Jezebel’s influence to dominate, leading to the idolatry and corruption of Israel. In warfare, Ahab symbolizes leaders or individuals who fail to uphold truth and righteousness, and attack you with pressure to conform and tolerate her control.

Eunuchs represent those who are spiritually castrated—people who have lost their spiritual authority, power, and identity. They are those stripped of their ability to produce fruit or have a real anointing. Jezebel’s eunuchs symbolize individuals who have been spiritually emasculated and manipulated to serve their purposes. They are messengers or servants who carry out Jezebel’s plans and are complicit in spreading deception, enabling the Jezebel spirit’s influence, and perpetuating her agenda over you.

These messengers are her enforcers, Those who sound like her but are simply her servants that curse you from the side. They’re the ones who try to manipulate you and control you from every angle to keep you cornered. But all of this is to cut you down and to get you to give up.

Have you wanted to give up? If so, I want to encourage you this week to tap into the Jehu anointing upon your life.

That is the anointing that doesn’t tolerate this spirit and sees it for what it is and begins to war and walk out and effectively break through regardless of the opposition.

Like Elijah, get in the secret place and hear the voice of the Lord for yourself again, then wrap your mantle around yourself and step out of the cave!

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