Joseph Z May 27, 2024

As I’m praying this morning The Spirit showed me that right now AHAB IS COMPLAINING TO JEZEBEL ABOUT NABOTH’S Vineyard… I see a signature being prepared to authorize the action to take Naboth’s Vineyard… the word “INDUCED M*LIT*RY MOBILIZATION” is strong in my spirit. Saw boots on the ground, INTENSE AIR ACTIVITY and OCEAN POSTIONING… A W*R OF DISTRACTION & SMOKE.

There are motions taking place right now that this nation is largely unaware of and is asleep regarding. We’re being used as a t*x farm to greese the wheels of Jezebel operations which are about to greatly come to the forefront for more to see and identify.

A NORMALCY BIAS on the part of this nation is allowing a demonic international multi-event incident to become empowered. This scenario is preped with more than one conflict. The sense I’m praying through is to stand against a simultaneous multi-event SERIES OF DAYS leading up and into the time where we choose our leaders. In the process of this scenario will be the stepping down of certain leaders, strategic resignations, NEW CHARACTERS & NEW PEOPLE ENTERING THE STAGE FOR A PROPOSITION TO TAKE LEADERSHIP FROM THOSE IN POWER, and even some leaving this life permanently. Watch for these things to increase during a transitional period into REARRANGED POWER.

As we pray and stand in faith I saw ANSWERS COMING AT GREAT COST:

•Economy and Debt is going off a cliff but I heard the Spirit say OIL & AUTONOMY CAN BRING CORRECTION…

•Mass Goodbyes to our unwelcomed visitors is another movement that (as we pray) will be announced over the next 2 years.

•Reversing Legislative decisions at an unprecidented level will be a salvation step to the nation. Particularly regarding land and ownership.

•Rebuilding defenses.

Additionally will come a forced look at what is happening globally and at home. This will cause a VALLEY OF DECISION to be presented and a generational choice will be made. It is as if a giant sheet is being pulled back across the landscape and EXPOSING DISCOVERIES WILL BE PRESENT as well as LOUD CRIES OF DISTRACTION.

On a hopeful note as I’m praying I see the SPARK of conflict—AN IGNITION that will cause it to erupt but also AN INTERVENTION taking shape. Now through NEXT YEAR will be filled with disappointments and redemtive moments. Yet in this storm to come remember HE WILL NEVER LEAVE YOU NOR FORSAKE YOU!! The shaking is REDEMPTIVE and NOT FINAL.

God has an anointed group of CLEAR EYED, CLEAR MINDED REFORMERS who will INTERCEDE & ACT. YOUR TIME IS NOW… to pray stay in faith and simply do what it is God has called you to do. Evil will slay the wicked but it will not come near you or your children in Jesus Name!

The Plans of EVIL WILL NOT PREVAIL!! Sorrow may last for the night with difficulty and international unrest growing—but ANOTHER DAY IS COMING!!


Keep praying, keep discerning!

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