JULY 30, 2023: Hank Kunneman 


I shall restore in ’24. I will bring about the things that you have prayed, and the things that you have desired, for there has been too much lies and too much counterfeit. Therefore, I will bring about one, a man who will stand again strong and I will bring, listen to me now: as the Son of God spoke from the Cross and He said, behold look. And He spoke to a woman, His mother. I say to you that this is the hour that the earth will behold the woman, will behold the mother. You say, ‘Why is this?’ Because there has been that which has come to try to redefine what a woman is, that I have created, and redefine the role of womanhood and of a mother. Yet I say to you, I will counter what they have thought that their definition would stand in this time.


And here’s how I’ll do it,” says the Lord. “It will be as in the days of Debra when one arose as a mother. Pay attention. My hand is upon one and she shall carry my will and my agenda that shall help to heal the discord, the division, and rescue the children at this time,” says the Living God, “pay attention.

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