Diana Larkin January 19, 2025


“There is a SURE WAY to navigate the MULTITUDE of CHANGES that lay ahead. It will SMOOTH the path of TRANSITION and help you PROCESS the UNCOVERING of so much EVIL that was TARGETED against you. The sure way that I speak of to go through the UNVEILING and the EXPLOSIVE GROWTH of the Kingdom Age is to WALK WITH ME. WALK WITH ME every day, drawing aside from all else and focusing your heart, mind, and spirit on Me. I will FILL you with My PEACE, My WISDOM, and I will DIRECT you to the paths I want you to take.

All the SCARY NEW THINGS will turn into OPPORTUNITIES for you to GROW beyond your imagination. When you are filled with our FELLOWSHIP, you will SEE things from My PERSPECTIVE, and the changes will become EXCITING opportunities for you to EXPLORE and CONQUER. The TRUE CURE for anxiety and facing an unknown future is to WALK WITH ME in growing INTIMACY. Open your HEART and your MIND to My VOICE, and I will give you MULTIPLIED GRACE, GREAT PEACE, and IDEAS that you’ve never imagined before. RIGID WAYS of thinking will MELT AWAY, and you will EMBRACE and THRIVE in the GOOD CHANGES that are coming. Fullness of life comes to those who WALK WITH ME.”

This word was birthed from an encounter with the Father and with Enoch. It began as the Father and I ascended to the heavenly realms in a slow spiral while dancing on the stars. My gown sparkled with little stars twinkling brightly. I was full of awe and wonder at His love and beauty. As we strolled through the Garden of Life, I saw Enoch and paused to speak with him. To my delight he kissed me on the head. I said, “You saw this day. How do we walk in its fullness and partner fully with the Father?” His sage advice: “Stay close to the Father, partner with Him in all He gives you to do. He will teach you, as you obey. That’s how I learned to judge angels—I stayed close to and walked with the Father.”

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