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Diana Larkin December 9, 2024

A Watchman’s Journal


“THE KINGDOM AGE that you and your world are ENTERING INTO is an age of EXPANSION, SHALOM, and INCREASED ANOINTING. We have partnered together to DEFEAT the LIFE-STEALING, TYRANNICAL DARKNESS and as this evil empire COLLAPSES and is put UNDER your feet, you will see THE EXPANSION OF MY KINGDOM AGE. DANIEL 2:35 (TPT) ‘Then, all at once, the entire statue collapsed into a heap of rubble. The iron and clay, bronze, silver, and gold were all pulverized as fine as chaff on the summer threshing floor. The wind blew the shattered pieces away, leaving not a trace behind. But the Boulder that hit the statue grew into a massive mountain that covered the whole earth.’ You will SEE this Scripture FULFILLED in your day. My Heavenly atmosphere of SHALOM will FLOOD the earth in the place of FEAR, HATRED, and DEATH AGENDAS. My SHALOM will bring GREAT PEACE, BEAUTIFUL REST, and NOTHING MISSING, NOTHING BROKEN. As Light DISPLACES darkness in all areas of society, an INCREASED ANOINTING will be RELEASED. You will have the POWER and the AUTHORITY to REVERSE THE CURSE of DEATH AGENDAS that have been sent against you from TAINTED MEDICATIONS and IMMUNIZATIONS and from MODIFIED FOODS, UNHEALTHY WATER, AND IMPURE AIR. You will be given the authority to STOP the DEATH and to RELEASE FULLNESS of LIFE—My LIFE, KINGDOM LIFE. This INCREASED ANOINTING will also affect the governmental mountain. You are to take AUTHORITY over all the TYRANNICAL and EVIL LAWS put in place by the darkness. You are to CALL THEM DOWN and WIPE THEM OUT and WELCOME the CLEAN SWEEP of My Spirit as JUSTICE and RIGHTEOUSNESS ROLL IN to WIPE OUT all evil agendas and foundations. Breathe in the SWEET and CLEAN AIR of FREEDOM, as we move into THE EXPANSION OF MY KINGDOM AGE.”

Join Us for an exclusive 2-hour LIVE Masterclass on March 12, 2025