“Crack! You will hear it in the natural and in the supernatural when the LION’S ROAR SPLITS OPEN THE HEAVENS. This is not My Son’s final appearing, but it is a FORETASTE of that day. This appearing will be a FORCEFUL ENTRY of the POWER and DEVOURING FIRE of the Kingdom of Heaven come to earth to DEFEAT the schemes of darkness and to RESTORE FREEDOM, JUSTICE, and RIGHTEOUSNESS to your Land, and to all those nations where My people have lifted their voices and cried out to Me for DELIVERANCE. It will be a day of GREAT SHOCK to those in the Church who are still asleep, and it will be a day of TERROR to those partnered with darkness and their inner parts will MELT as they SHAKE and TREMBLE in the presence of the Lion of Judah, as He REVEALS who they really are and what they have done. For My Army of Light, it will be a day of SWEET VINDICATION of all they have been BELIEVING and FIGHTING for. You will REJOICE in My JUDGMENTS and in My POWER. Oh what a day when the LION ROARS and SPLITS OPEN THE HEAVENS!”

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