May 21, 2024


“I AM walking among the nations, and I AM FLIPPING THE TABLES in a VIOLENT and SUDDEN way. Those ILLEGITIMATELY seated at those tables will be completely SHOCKED and caught OFF-GUARD that I would show up in this VIOLENT WAY, and they will have NO DEFENSE against My POWER released on their EVIL WAYS. I AM FLIPPING THE TABLES of the MONEYCHANGERS in the Church, in business, in government, in media, and in entertainment.

These moneychangers have FLEECED My flock for personal gain, STOLEN funds from people through BOGUS LAWS, CORRUPT AGENCIES, PRICE-GOUGING, LOW QUALITY food and products, and ENORMOUS GREED and CORRUPTION. When I FLIP THE TABLES of the moneychangers, I will RESTORE the stolen funds back to the people. I AM FLIPPING THE TABLES of all the LEADERS worldwide who STOLE their positions of power and who serve the darkness. One day you will see them, and the next day they will be GONE. Their positions will be given to those who will SERVE the people and will ACKNOWLEDGE My ways. I AM FLIPPING THE TABLES of LYING MEDIA and EXPOSING its CORRUPT UNDERBELLY, and all its LIES will come SPILLING OUT into the LIGHT. When I FLIP THE TABLES of the leaders of ENTERTAINMENT, it will EXPOSE their personal PERVERSION and their attempts to PURPOSELY DEFILE the nations. FLIPPING THE TABLES in all these areas will EXPOSE the PARTNERSHIP with EVIL, with IDOLATRY, and with CORRUPTION and PERVERSION. Out of the CHAOS of all the FLIPPED TABLES, My KINGDOM Sons and Daughters will ARISE and PARTNER with Me in establishing the NEW ERA of lives lived to BENEFIT others and of GREAT PEACE and PLENTY.”

Diana Larkin, A Watchman’s Journal

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