Diana Larkin
A Watchman’s Journal
January 10, 2023

“You have been great soldiers of Light, and now I want to PREPARE you to be CARRIERS OF MY GLORY. After this war is WON, there will be a need for HEALING of bodies and minds, a RESTORATION of all that has been stolen, and a CLEANSING of sin and its negative effects on peoples’ lives. This kind of healing, restoration, and cleansing are found in MY GLORY, which is the VERY ESSENCE of WHO I AM. One of My promises to you in this WARFARE season has been the promise of the RELEASE of My glory to come FLOOD the earth. I can release a CLOUD of My GLORY upon a place or a gathering of people, and it will bring the Kingdom of Heaven to earth in that place. I will also RELEASE My GLORY through My SONS and DAUGHTERS who have POSITIONED themselves to be CARRIERS of My GLORY. You become carriers of My LIGHT, My PRESENCE, My HEALING, and My RESTORATION. Would you like to be a CARRIER of My GLORY? I AM waiting for you to ASK for it, and I will JOYFULLY
release it to you. Imagine yourself in My Throne Room…its full of LIGHT, SOUNDS, COLORS, and RAW POWER. The four Living Creatures are present in great power, moving around My Throne. I AM on My Throne and from My being FLOWS My GLORY, and it is full of LIFE, RADIANT LIGHT, and LOVING POWER. Let if FLOW into you and watch it begin to MANIFEST to those around you and those who you pray for—near or far. When My GLORY rests on a place, amazing things take place there; but when My GLORY rests on My Sons and Daughters, it can MANIFEST wherever they are, and it will go WHEREVER they RELEASE it in prayer. Stand before Me and BREATHE IN HEAVEN.”

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