February 25, 2023

Psalm 118:24, 25 “This is the very day that brings gladness and joy, filling our hearts with glee. O God, please come and save us again; bring us Your BREAKTHROUGH VICTORY!” (TPT) (Emphasis mine)
I heard the Father say: “You are in the middle of the CLASH of SWORDS, RUMBLINGS of THUNDER, SCREAMS of RAGE, and the ROARS of My LIONS. Every day I want you to WITHDRAW from the battlefield, QUIET your heart, and JOIN Me by the STILL WATERS that I have prepared for you. BREATHE in My PRESENCE, OPEN your spirit to My Spirit, and We will FILL you with Our PEACE, Our STRENGTH, Our LOVE, Our HEALING, and our COMFORT. This is the KEY to staying STRONG and FAITHFUL to the end. In this place of PEACE and REST, I will UNFOLD to you VISIONS of a future that you’ve hardly DARED TO DREAM OF. What is coming is a DISPLAY of My SHEER POWER and GREAT GLORY, as I bring you a BREAKTHROUGH VICTORY-in your PERSONAL LIVES, in your NATION, and rippling out into ALL the world. You can see the SIZE of the WAR, and you’ve come to know many of the TENTACLES of EVIL and STOLEN POWER that the darkness has SPREAD like an IRON NET around the world. As you sit with Me, I want to give you a BIGGER VIEW of the BREAKTHROUGH VICTORY that is coming. It will sweep DEEPER and HIGHER and WIDER than you ever thought possible. My BREAKTHROUGH VICTORY is a BATTERING RAM, a TSUNAMI, a VOLCANO, an EARTHQUAKE, and a FLOOD that will REMOVE the darkness and bring in My GLORIOUS LIGHT and BREAKTHROUGH VICTORY. CELEBRATE and then FIGHT with CONFIDENCE in My PROMISES and My STRENGTH.”
Psalm 118:27, 28 “For the Lord our God has brought us His glory-light. I offer Him my life in joyous sacrifice…For You are the God of my life and I lift You high, exalting You to the highest place.” (TPT)

Diana Larkin
A Watchman’s Journal

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