ISAIAH 22:22. “Then I will set on his shoulder the key of the house of David; when he opens no one will shut,
when he shuts no one will open.”

“I AM placing this KEY of AUTHORITY on the shoulder of the leader that I have CHOSEN for this hour for your Nation. Just as I prepared David’s heart for this LEVEL of AUTHORITY during his years of PERSECUTION and EXILE, so I have prepared your rightful leader’s heart to SHOULDER this great responsibility. He has been given the task of CLOSING the DOORS of DARKNESS opened over your Nation, and of OPENING the DOORS to My Kingdom of LIGHT, LIFE, and LOVE to flood your Land. My Army of Light, I AM also placing this KEY OF DAVID on your shoulders so that you can partner with Me and with My leader in KICKING OUT DARKNESS, CLOSING THE DOOR with a resounding bang, and FLINGING WIDE OPEN the gates of RIGHTEOUSNESS and JUSTICE so that it can pour out on your Land. You, too, have been prepared for this time by the persecution and injustice you have gone through. It has PURIFIED your motives and STRENGTHENED you in the inner man. Be FAITHFUL to use this AUTHORITY to SHUT DOWN darkness and to CALL FORTH My LIGHT. Receive now THE KEY OF DAVID.”,

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