April 23, 2024

This morning in Heaven, I noticed another path to the right of my usual path that I take to meet the Father. I followed it to the ocean’s shore and Jesus was waiting there for me. A golden light filled the horizon and shone onto the sea making it an ocean of glory. I asked Jesus to speak to me about this glorious sight. This ocean of glory was as smooth as glass and gently lapped the shore. Jesus spoke: “This sea in Heaven is filled with PEACE and GLORY, while on the earth the oceans are STIRRED UP, CHAOTIC, and FOAMING. The darkness has stirred up the waters by pouring their caldron of STRIFE, ANGER, and BITTERNESS into the oceans of the world. The Holy Spirit WINDS have also STIRRED UP the waves of EXPOSURE of HIDDEN SIN, PERVERSION, and CORRUPTION-even in the Church. The waters ROAR for TRUE JUSTICE and RIGHTEOUSNESS to be restored. The forces of dark and Light are WRESTLING even in the waters of the ocean. Who has an ANSWER to this UPROAR in the ocean?” Jesus looked me directly in the eyes and firmly said, “I do! Do you see this OCEAN OF GLORY in Heaven? Look and see as I CREATE AN OPEN PORTAL at the edge of the water. Watch, as the OCEAN OF GLORY is POURED OUT upon the world. It will bring My Father’s Kingdom to the earth in all of its POWER and GLORY. The OCEAN OF GLORY will FLOOD OUT the darkness, and they will be BEACHED, HIGH and DRY, EXPOSED, and TAKEN AWAY. The OCEAN OF GLORY will SWEEP people into the Kingdom, and they will find TRUE LOVE and LASTING PEACE. My OCEAN OF GLORY is FAR MORE POWERFUL than the darkness who feeds people’s FEARS and GREED. My OCEAN OF GLORY poured out will restore the AWE and WONDER of who My Father is, and eyes will be opened to the BEAUTY of His Kingdom, accessed through My Blood-the most powerful sacrifice of LOVE ever given. The evil empire cannot WITHSTAND or STOP My OCEAN OF GLORY from pouring out onto the earth. All that the darkness STOLE, BUILT, and PLANNED will be SWEPT AWAY by My OCEAN OF GLORY. Your prayers, decrees, and declarations have OPENED the PORTAL in Heaven that the OCEAN OF GLORY will pour through. My OCEAN OF GLORY is part of My Rescue Operation, and NOTHING can WITHSTAND its MOVEMENT or its POWER. Welcome and call forth My OCEAN OF GLORY.” Haggai 2:6

Diana Larkin, A Watchman’s Journal

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