Midnight Cry with Deborah

Feb 17,2022

God told her to share it again on Sept 1, 2022


The Lord Said, Shout! Everything Is About To Change! And It Will Happen Suddenly!”

The Lord spoke urgently to me, “Tell them! Tell them! Shout it from the rooftops!”

I answered Him, “Tell them what, Lord?”

“That everything is about to change. It will happen suddenly! In a moment. In a day, even like everything changed on 9/11. Everything changed in America. “That was the rollout of the enemy, but this will be My Rollout,” says the Lord. “The rollout of 9/11 affected America, but My Rollout will change the world!

“It is a strange work, not like anything seen before. When it happens, you will know it. For a season, it will feel as though all hope is lost. Warn My people. Do not, I say, do NOT lose hope. Many will suffer because they lose their focus. Some will even lose their faith, but a full end to the chaos and confusion shall surely come. I will cut it short in righteousness, says the Lord your God.

“Ride this wave. My Glory shall erupt out of it, like a volcano shall it pour forth. You will see great flames of glory spew into the sky. It will be fire and water and glory. Fire and water and glory, I say, to those who love Me and stay focused on Me. They shall ride out this storm on My Word. My voice shall carry them. I have one third of My church. One third of My Army shall stay focused on Me and shall know the truth. I have revealed it through my prophets. My prophets declare My Word. Do not listen to the two thirds that do not believe. America SHALL BE cleansed. I have heard the cries of my people who walk in repentance, those who yearn to know Me and live in My Holiness.

“Oh, such great power is coming! They shall rejoice in it! Those who think they are not worthy, these are the humble. If you often think of yourself as unworthy, be strengthened My child. Stop looking inward at your lack, and start looking to Me, your all-sufficiency. It is not hard. It is merely the shifting of your focus. Look up, instead of within. I am here. I am all around you. I am covering you. My blood has washed away your sins. I have removed your transgressions from you, as far as the east is from the west. I am your Deliverer. There’s nothing too hard for Me. Like a child, come to Me, your Father, and hand Me your broken things. I will touch them and make them whole.

“I will restore My America, says the Lord your God. Stop trying to figure out how, and simply trust. The renovation that is about to begin will cleanse her.

“Many believe the Destroyer is on his way, but not now, says the Lord. Those who have My Word in their mouths – I tell you now – speak My Word faithfully. If you have a dream, tell your dream, for they are from Me, says the Lord your God. Fear not those who ridicule you and mock you. Leave them alone. I will deal with them. They are chaff, and My Word out of your mouth is like fire. My Word shall burn up their works, and what they are shall be revealed. If they throw stones, then speak My Word, for is not My Word like a hammer? My Word out of your mouth shall break their works into pieces.

“My people, be faithful, for I am faithful and I live within you. Speak My Words faithfully. Fear none of those who steal your words and speak them as if they were their own. Fear none who tell lies and prophesy false dreams, who do not lead My people to holiness. They do not walk in My ways nor do they lead My people to walk in My ways. Leave them alone, for I shall deal with them.

“For My Word in your mouth shall turn nations around. What I tell you in the secret place shout out loud in the marketplace. DO NOT FEAR. Shout My Word out of your mouths, for I shall use your words to shut doors, and none shall open them. Have I not said the gates of hell shall not prevail against My Church?

“I am putting my fierceness into My people, a fierceness against the evil one. RISE UP AND WAR by My Spirit. I am giving My power to those of you who tremble at My Word, You that reverence Me, who go where I say to go and do what I say to do, and do not speak or move without My direction. These are Mine, says the Lord. Their words shall call fire down from Heaven. They shall hold back rain where I shall tell them. They shall connect supply lines, expose wickedness, and bring forth every blessing that My people need. They will be fierce against the enemy, but they will love My sheep. They will provide bread to the eater, seed to the sower, for My Word shall go forth from their mouths and it shall not return to Me empty, void, or without fruitfulness.

“Through their word, I will hold back and expose the enemy. Do not let the doubters silence you or allow their unbelief to contaminate you. I am raising up my prophets. You think you have seen my prophets? Oh, you have not seen anything yet. The boldness of a few has been invigorating and strengthening the many. They have been in hiding, but are about to be released. They will cover the earth. They will speak with boldness and authority and they will vex the enemy, hold him back, and ultimately stop him. He is trying to steal My America, but I have raised up My prophets to stop him and stop him they shall.

“When the enemy is bound up and his defenses broken, the hold over millions of souls will be undone. Their freedom will shock them, and they will run to you to ask you what to do. Be ready, My people, to lead them. It will become your full time job. You shall speak the word over them and see them delivered in a moment. You shall lay hands on them, and they shall be filled with the Holy Ghost. You shall baptize them in horse troughs and swimming pools, lakes and rivers, oceans and bathtubs.

“Get ready, My remnant. Stop thinking, Lord, I am nothing. I am nobody. What could I possibly do in the Kingdom of God? I say to you, start reading My Word. Get full of Me, for even the least of you shall save hundreds and you shall shepherd them. Just as my servant Moses prayed, ‘Would to God that all the Lord’s people were prophets, and that He would put His Spirit on them,’ so I shall.

“These days are coming, so get prepared, My people. Study My Word as if you were a preacher, for you are going to need much wisdom, knowledge, and understanding. This only comes from Me and My Word.”

Sweet and lovely are the Words of the Lord God Almighty. Hallelujah! Blessings to all who read and believe,


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