Elijah List



Prophetic word released on February 13, 2023:

As I spent time in prayer the other day, I sensed the LORD SAY: “THIS IS A CATALYZING MOMENT.”

While I had a vague memory of what a catalyst is from high school chemistry class, I still had to look up the definition.

To “catalyze” means “to accelerate a process.” As we continue through February and then throughout the month of March, there will be an escalation and intensification of significant events. This will happen on a global/geopolitical scale as the nations continue to shake and shift. But there will also be significant personal changes happening in you and around you. It’s time to move.

If you seek, discern and unreservedly obey the LORD, you will look back at this period as a defining moment. THIS IS A CATALYZING MOMENT. Amid the swirl and instability, a seismic shift is happening in you and round you in the heavenly realms.

Everything is moving, turning, resetting, realigning; it is unsettling. You can sense something bubbling, rising, stirring and emerging. It can feel difficult to find a secure footing. A monumental shift is happening. The Kingdom is advancing. But the opposition is fierce.

The Spirit has been brooding and hovering over the nations. The prophetic decrees and prayers of the saints have been heard. The Father is creating something new. It’s unclear and not defined yet. It may not be how you expected it to look. But it’s coming. It’s accelerating and gaining momentum. It’s getting closer and clearer.

You won’t have to push it too hard or force it to happen; but also don’t become passive and complacent. Perceive what it can become through the eyes of faith. Lean into it. Take hold of it. Steward it. Tend to it.

In the Kingdom, things are often slow, slow, slow…then swift. We wait, we wait, we wait…then suddenly it appears. That is how this is going to happen.

God is moving! The dam is breaking. The war in the heavenlies is raging. The nations are shaking. The angelic hosts are winning. The people are praying. The Ekklesia is rising. The slumbering are awakening. The tide is turning. The glory is coming. The fire is spreading. The ground is so dry, one spark is all it will take. He will send the fire; we must fuel and fan the flames.

After a long season of testing, the Father is coming to refresh and reignite His people. Signs will begin manifesting all around you. You will see demonstrations of the Spirit’s power. God is moving outside of the ‘ordinary’. You can’t even conceive what He has in store. Many will be taken on a new trajectory that they had never imagined.

This is not a time to replicate or duplicate what is already there or what has been.  It is a time to initiate and innovate, reform and reimagine, create and pioneer, dream and design. Draw new maps. Explore the land. Reinvent. Redefine. Reshape. It will require courage to step into the new. Major adjustments may be required. The stage is being reset. You are being positioned and moved into place. This is a window of opportunity to make a bold and brave move. THIS IS A CATALYZING MOMENT.

John 1:50: “Jesus told him, ‘Do you believe because I told you that I saw you under the fig tree? You will see greater things than that.'”

Luke 12:32: “Fear not, little flock; for it is your Father’s good pleasure to give you the Kingdom.”

1 Corinthians 2:9: “However, as it is written: ‘What no eye has seen, what no ear has heard, and what no human mind has conceived’ – the things God has prepared for those who love Him.”

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