Chuck D. Pierce: “Warring from Your Promise with Hope!”

Corinth, TX

Mar 2, 2024

Dear Hope-filled Ones,

We are learning to war for our promise with hope! The Lord is reforming our desires so that new hope can arise. From hope, we move in faith and gain strength to turn the battle at the gate. Although our pathway can be filled with danger, hope helps us become watchful to maneuver through the perils on our path and advance step by step. I declare new expectations will arise in you for an amazing manifestation of His blessings in your life!

Stepping into Your Next Place!

So many are wanting to get through something or to something, and yet it’s going to take one step at a time to get there. We don’t have to try to run into our future but can focus on taking the first step and decreeing, “I’m going to get there!”

Here is a portion of the prophetic revelation released on Sunday, February 25th, that will help you get to your next place.

“Today is the day of first steps. I want you to step forward in Me, and those steps are going to be so prominent in you. But as you begin to move and step this week, you will step faster, and you will have a sure footing. You will see what I see and hear what I hear, and you will do what I say [to] do. But it begins with stepping, stepping in Me. Step forward! All week, step forward – even to Passover. Your steps will increase! You’ll see the steps that I have for you, the steps that I’ve ordered for you. Take a step!

“I am calling you to a new partnership with Me. The friends of God know and understand what I am doing and that I am an excellent strategist. But will you partner with Me in this season in a different way? Will you step out when I say ‘go’? Will you step when I say ‘step’? When I give you a word, will you deliver it? When I give you direction, will you step in it? When I give you a task, will you carry it out? (Photo via Unsplash)

“There is that level of partnership that I have for you now, and as your partner, I am giving you keys – even a key ring of access to different things that have been locked up. They’ve been locked up because I needed a vessel on Earth that would carry a key to the lock. That vessel is you. Will you partner with Me in a new way? Will you obey every word that proceeds out of My mouth, and will you then accept the keys to go and unlock the things I appoint you to?

Set Free from a Paralyzed State

“Many people step so innocently into the wet cement that the enemy lays, and their fears and their shortcomings capture them. By My Spirit, I can move you, order your steps, so you get from this place to the next. I am setting My people free from a paralyzed state. Don’t let your past define your future; don’t let your past paralyze you, but be obedient to what God has called you to do.

“I have put it in you to touch Me! Do I not hear the cry of My people? If I be lifted up, I will draw all men to Me! I have put it in you to cry out to Me. The problem is people are looking for answers, they’re looking for solutions, they’re looking for strategies… I am He!” says the Lord. “I am here! Cry out to Me and you will see! There are rivers of living water that are untapped, untouched because you’re still trying to find the way. But I am the Way, and beside Me there is no other!”

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