Charlie Shamp April 16, 2024

Prophetic Warning to the Body of Christ:

Just as Queen Esther initially perceived safety and distance from trouble, many within the Body of Christ may be unaware of the imminent spiritual battles and challenges that lie ahead. Do not be deceived by a false sense of security or complacency, for the enemy is strategically plotting schemes to undermine the faith and unity of God’s people in this hour!

Just as Esther faced a critical moment of decision and action, so too must the Body of Christ rise up in courage and discernment to confront the spiritual threats and injustices of our time. Do not underestimate the significance of your role in God’s kingdom, for you have been strategically positioned and equipped for such a time as this.

Let this warning serve as a call to vigilance, prayer, and bold action in the face of adversity. Do not wait until trouble is at your doorstep to recognize the urgency of the spiritual battles around you. Stand firm in faith, seek the guidance of the Holy Spirit, and be willing to risk everything for the sake of righteousness and the advancement of God’s kingdom.

Embrace your identity as a warrior for Christ, ready to engage in spiritual warfare with courage, wisdom, and unwavering faith. Heed this prophetic warning and prepare yourself for the challenges and opportunities that lie ahead.

As the Body of Christ approaches the season of Passover, let us remember the power of prayer and fasting in times of crisis and spiritual warfare. Just as Esther called for a fast before approaching the king, may we humble ourselves before the Lord through prayer and fasting, seeking His wisdom, guidance, and protection over our lives and the Church.

May this Passover season be a time of renewed consecration, repentance, and spiritual warfare as we align ourselves with the purposes of God. Let us draw near to the Lord in prayer and fasting, interceding for the body of Christ, Israel and the nations, that His kingdom may come and His will be done on earth as it is in heaven.

Heed this prophetic warning, prepare your hearts through prayer and fasting, and stand strong in the authority and power of the Holy Spirit as we navigate the challenges and opportunities that lie ahead.

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