Brandon Biggs December 1, 2024

The Glory is here; The Lord showed me more about the cure? A call to prayer day 45

I hear in the spirit. There’s a financial wave that’s going to hit. A financial blessing. A financial blessing. I see a parting in the sky. No more holding back the finances. No more holding back all that I have for My children. There will be a torrential down pour of My glory, of the atmosphere of finances upon you, upon My church in these last days. I see it, I see it, I see it (says Brandon). Great deliverance. Great, great wealth. Great, great financial blessing is coming. It’s coming, it’s coming. Hold fast and hold onto My word and bring it forth by what you say out your mouth. Say out your mouth and confess with your mouth all that I have for you in My word. Say it, say it, say it again and it will come forth like rain upon you. It will come forth like rain.

As you sowed in the past you will reap at last and there will be great finances that will pour through your hands bringing forth the lost with it. You say, ‘well what is it for?’ It’s to bring in the spoils. The silver and the gold are Mine says the Lord. The silver and the gold are Mine and He’s giving it to you. Everything that He has in Heaven is coming down on you today. Get ready to receive for the demonstrations and manifestations of My great divine power are coming on you. Receive the demonstrations and manifestations of My glory.

It will be just like breathing in air. Walking in the spirit will be just like breathing in air. Things that you’ve believed for that have never come to pass; you’re going to see it at last. Just hold fast, hold fast, hold fast. It will be effortless, effortless, effortless. The time of holding back. The time the enemies held you back and made you be in lack; the days are over. Listen and be in step with Me. Listen and be in step with Me He says. Be in sync with Me. Be instant in season and out of season. Flow in My Spirit. This is part of the end time harvest plan for it is the goodness of Me that brings man to repentance. He’s laid up treasures for you. Restitution for all the things that you went through. Make the devil pay back sevenfold what he stole. If the thief has been found, he’s been found and it’s time to repay. Restitution. Restitution. Don’t let him get by with it anymore. Hold him and make him restore. Take back what he stole from you. Great blessing on His body. He said he was speaking to the remnant.

There are two sides to this coin. Great financial blessing in Goshen. In Cannan there is great blessing on the children of Israel and the body of Christ there was great torment in Egypt. It was gross darkness in Egypt. It’s a double-sided coin. You can focus on the darkness that’s coming or on the light that’s coming. It’s not confusing. This is black and white. The church is going to walk in blessing and healings we’ve never seen before, and the world is going to get darker and darker and darker, but the glory will be so bright in the church as we rise up and be that spotless bride you will see the great glory of the Lord all over you. It will be like light shining upon a noonday sun. The glory of the Lord will be on the bride and as the darkness gets darker, they will see the glory and run to it. It’s the goodness of God that brings man to repentance. People will be asking how are they so blessed, what’s going on with them? God says, it’s because I love My kids. But it’s your choice who you choose to serve this day. Do you say ‘As for me and my house we will serve the Lord? Are you on the Lord’s side or are you buddied up with the world today? It’s your choice because great financial blessing will come upon those that He can trust in the body of Christ. The remnant, the ones that are sold out or you will see great financial torment on those in darkness.

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