By Bernadette Smith


Father, in the name of Jesus, we come before You thanking and praising You for who You are and for what You are going to do on behalf of our great country.

We feel and see in the natural the darkness that is trying to take over our country.
But we understand that the real battle is the battle between good and evil, a battle between the light and the darkness.

We are up against demonic forces that has been controlling our nation for too long. For we are not wrestling against flesh and blood, but against evil wicked spirits, against the master spirits who are the world rulers of this present darkness.

Heavenly Father, You have given to us the tools and the strategies to fight with.

We must Fight in the spirit as well as with BOOTS on the GROUND; But we must first fight in the realm of the SPIRIT by putting on our COMPLETE ARMOR, so that we may be able to RESIST and STAND our ground during this evil day of danger.

We thank you for your ARMOR, which is:
1. THE BELT OF TRUTH, which is your word and Your word is the antidote against the lies of the enemy.
2. THE BREASTPLATE OF RIGHTEOUSNESS, which is to repent and be forgiven for our sins and to do what is right.
3. THE SHOES OF THE GOSPEL OF PEACE, which is to stand ready and firm to combat the enemy.
4. THE SHIELD OF FAITH, which quenches and puts out ALL the fiery darts and strategies of the hidden evil enemies.
5. THE HELMET OF SALVATION, which protects our mind from discouragements, anxieties, depression, fear and despair in our world today. 6. THE SWORD OF THE SPIRIT, which is the living and powerful word of God. The Word of God is sharper than any two-edged sword.

So Father, we use TODAY and EVERYDAY, every piece of Your armor to RESIST and DEFEAT all of the STRATEGIES, all of the PLOTS, all of the schemes and all of the PLANS of the evil enemies that has come against our country.

There will be a great reset, but the great reset will be us taking back our country; And WE MUST take it back NOW!!

It is high time and VITAL that we FOCUS on what UNITES us and RISE above what divides us.

So we now take our AUTHORITY in the name of Jesus, and we decree and declare that our country is back to it’s Judea Christian values.

We decree and declare that we are ending the war on our babies and our children.
We decree and declare that we are enforcing our United States constitution.
We decree and declare that a mighty revival is sweeping throughout our land.
We decree and declare that when this WAR is all over, that we will still be standing up STRONGER and with TOTAL VICTORY in every area.
We decree and declare that we are once again that SHINING COUNTRY that sits on a hill for all the WORLD to see.

This we pray in the name of Jesus Christ Amen!!

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