Barry Wunsch November 5, 2023
Prophetic Word: Recompense for the Nations is at hand!

I woke through the early Sunday morning hours, at 3:33 and again at 4:44.

The Lord started speaking to me and through out the morning and day, He gave me this word to release today.

As I received this word, The Lord impressed upon me this is going to be a very big week and the Lord is preparing us for what is to come in the near days ahead.

The demise of the Cabal and Deep State – Babylon is coming down!
Evil Demonic regimes are going down.
Recompense is coming!

Here is the word the Lord gave me, nothing more, nothing less.

Respectfully Submitted
Barry Wunsch
The Canadian Hammer

“Barry, I want you to tell my people today the
tipping point is at hand.
What the Nations are bracing for is about to
come to pass.
This is not the end, it is only the beginning.
Let me assure you that there is no turning
this one around!
It is time to embrace a deliverance of biblical
There is nothing in heaven or earth that can
restrict my furious love for you and bringing
freedom and deliverance to the Nations!
The enemy is playing every card he has and
and he shall prevail not!
For it is time for my people to stand up and
walk in the power and authority they have
been given.
This present darkness is nothing for Me!
For do you not remember that I overcame
death and the grave that you could have
abundant life!
Watch with me as the evil plans of man
disappear like vapour in the wind!

Have you forgotten who established the foundations of the universe?
Let me remind you I can change a nation in a day!
Do not underestimate My power and authority, or the wisdom in my ways!

It is time for the hammer to drop!

And drop the hammer I shall!

And the Nations will not be able to deny My hand upon them in this hour!

This is the hour, this is the time, to stand and advance the line in the power of My great name to advance My Kingdom purposes!

What looks impossible to man is nothing for me!

The key to advance is found only in intimacy, surrender and obedience unto Me.

As you come to trust me as a loving Father, and as you surrender unto Me, your every agenda, every ambition, every gift, every  talent,  every hurt, trauma and offence I will heal you, lead you and take care of you better than you can yourself! I will move on your behalf and you will see miracles signs and wonders as we advance together! You will have every resource that you would ever need!

And I will get the Glory, for it will be not by your strength but mine!”

Holy is the word of the Lord

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