Barry Wunsch November 29, 2022

Barry let it be known that I am separating the sheep from the goats.

It is going to be very painful and very uncomfortable for many and even though I’ve been clear since the beginning and I’ve spoken this over time. Yet, it will seem a surprise to many.

Barry, tell my people to turn to the light and run to the light.

Let there be no darkness in you, flee from it.

For what do light and darkness have in common?

Barry, tell my people that the odds are not against me!

For there is no one greater than I!

For they can assemble as they wish.

For they can attempt to come against me, but they shall never prevail!

For every knee shall bow down before me in due time!

My people, do not be dismayed, do not be troubled, do not be afraid as they advance with their evil plots and plans, for they are nothing to me!

Watch as I take every move that they make to expose and root out every evil structure among you.

For I am breathing new life into my remnant in this hour to be bold and of great courage.

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