Barry Wunsch May 20, 2024

Prophetic Encounter: Iran, Syria, Russia, China, North Korea, Israel, USA, & Canada

May 1 & 11, 2024

The Canadian Hammer

May 29.2024

For several days I kept hearing the words “Shirai Law”

May 1,2024 we were on a train from Kingston to Ottawa.

Again, it was loud and clear.

As I prayed on the train the Father gave me a glimpse of a council of Muslim leaders gathering together.

Now, to be clear, I didn’t understand the language, however, by the Spirit I knew what they were talking about.

It was very clear that they were well acquainted and had been working on things and for a long, long, time.

This gathering they had underway consisted of high-level militant Islam leaders from across the Nations and associated leaders from around the world.

They were being briefed from insider undercover operatives from within governments and military ranks.

Now, this is different. The Lord only took me this far on May 1, 2024.

May 11, 2024, He woke me up at 3:00 am and His presence was heavy, and He was getting serious.

As I started to intercede, He took me into the spirit just as He did on May 1, 2024. He took me back from the beginning this time with more detail and understanding, and this is where He took me deeper.

I knew by the Spirit that they had also paid off officials along the way to get the Intel, insight, and cooperation that they needed to make their nefarious plans and carry them out.

There were others they had blackmailed to control and extract intelligence that they needed, as well as using them to bury information or make it go away from the inside as to stop anything that would impede them, or any retaliation against them.

I saw the complexity of their network, and from what I saw there was not one level of government they had not infiltrated.

This was a very highly organized group.

They were not fooling around, that was very clear.

I was taken in the spirit where I was taken around the world.

I was shown maps of the Nations. Some in more detail than others.

I saw Sharia Law “Courts” set up throughout the Nations. Many running behind closed doors under the radar.

As the Lord took me into the spirit showing me these maps, highlighted to me were Iran, Syria, Russia, China, and North Korea.

They were covered in darkness.

In fact, they were black as black could be.

There not one spec of light in them.

They clearly had an evil alliance, they each had their own motives and positions, nevertheless they were collaborating their resources to hit Israel and the west with all that they had.

Also highlighted to me were Israel,  USA and Canada.

I clearly saw the enemy had infiltrated these Nations on every level.

I saw cells of evil militants planted and positioned to bring great harm against these Nations and western civilization as a whole.

They were collaborating schedules and dates for their attempts to roll out strikes and ramping things up against Israel and the west.

This was not a one and done plan, but strike after strike, blow after blow to advance their cause.

They had Biden and his regime on speakerphone and Trudeau and on speed dial.

These were not the only international high-level leaders they were collaborating with. There were many others.

I was then taken into the spirit where I saw global principalities dancing together!

They were intertwining with one another.

They were now collaborating with one another.

They knew that time working alone was in the past, and they were coming together as allies in a new more open way to come against the kingdom of God.

Regardless of their union, they still would fall short and would be defeated.

I was shown this completely dark, demonic evil alliance coming together between Islam, Communism, and the Occult practices with-in the Globalist regime.

The levels of collaboration they were now operating in was staggering.

They had nothing to lose as the Lord was coming against them, exposing all they were about.

The Lord was hitting them where it hurt them the most. His angel armies coming against them.

I saw the prayers of millions having great affect.

I saw the impact of The White Hats, President Donald J. Trump and other Godly leaders hitting them hard and backing them into a corner.

The Lord was clearly dealing with things.

As I was in the spirit taking this all in, the Lord spoke to me.

“Barry, tell my people that the wait is soon to be over.

For there is a catalyst coming that will open things up.

The tipping point is nearly upon you!

Freedom is coming!

Do not fear!

For no matter how great the plans of the enemy are, they have nothing over Me!

Let me tell you again, I am El Shaddai!

The Lord God Almighty!

I am the Lord of Hosts!

Let me remind you again it was I who created the heaven and the earth.

It was I who established the boundaries of the deep, and it was I who raised up the mountains, caused rivers to flow unto the ends of the earth.

It was I who created the Cosmos, putting the sun, moon, and stars into place!

It is I who formed you out of the dirt and put My breath in you!

Why would you fear and consider these broken ones and Nations to have dominion over Me?

For they do not!

Once again let me be clear.

Destruction shall come unto those who come after Israel!

For she is mine!

Nothing that comes against her will succeed!

For if they do, great peril will come upon them!

They will be brought to dust by My strength and mighty right arm!

There will be nothing left of them!

Even so, they will not heed My warning.

For I shall by the power of My name bring deliverance to My people!

I will save them, and I shall deliver them, I shall bring freedom unto them!

I shall restore unto them everything that has been taken from them.

They shall no longer be slaves!

For there is nothing too hard for Me!

For I say unto you on this day, there is no turning back from here!

Assuredly I say unto you, I will not relent until My people are free!

So do not grow weary.

Do not be dismayed or discouraged.

For I am still your God who is able to do more than you are able to comprehend.

I assure you that better days are coming, but do not despise the journey with Me.

For along this path, you will see things of Biblical proportions that you have only read about.

I tell you on this day, you are living in a time of history others longed for!

For know that you are surrounded by a great cloud of witnesses who are cheering you on unto victory!

You are about to see miracles happen right before your eyes!

I say again unto you on this day, surrender all to Me, for it is a much easier journey when you do!

I will fill you afresh, and I will lead you and I will be with you every step of the way!

And I assure you victory is at hand!

Holy is the word of the Lord.

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