Barry Wunsch July 3, 2024

Prophetic Encounter: IRAN, RUSSIA, NORTH KOREA.


Today as I was out on the highway, Holy Spirit took me once again unexpectedly into the spirit.

A screen opened up before me, instantly I was watching this monitor screen that had opened in real time as I was driving.

The way it opened before me it was impossible for me not to see it and watch what was going on.

What was on the screen seemed to be what was being live streamed to me in real time in the spirit.

There was a meeting going on, and from what I could discern, the meeting was in Iran.

It was a smaller, midsized room with approximately 30 delegates there.

They were leaders and ambassadors from several nations that gathered for some talks.

There were interpreters there for the delegates to communicate, for the record I was not able to hear or understand word for word what was being shared but I did know by the spirit what was being shared.

There was a head table in front of the room of Iranian leaders. The new leader of Iran sat in the seat of authority there – center table.

He was tough as nails. He made the other previous Iranian leaders look like boy scouts.

He was going on the offensive. It was clear. Not only from the tone and tenor of his voice but even with in his body language. He was not fooling around, nor was he wasting any time.

He was beyond any sort of reasoning. His mind, soul and spirit had made the decision to step things up and notch things up.

He listened to those trying to talk him down, and clearly there would be none of it for him.

In fact, the mere attempt to negotiate peacefully and reasonably with him seemed to increase his anger and resolve to fight even harder against Israel and Western civilization as we know it.

He would listen to what they had to say, and then let them have it with both barrels, justifying the path of action and intentions that he intended to carry out.

He was shredding everyone that was in disagreement with him.

He felt it was his duty to go after Israel and the West in ways those before him didn’t.

He clearly wanted to see them annihilated.

He was not going to look or act as a weak leader.

He was being demonically driven with a spirit of murder and death through a principality.

My assessment was that he was not in his right mind.

I also saw those from North Korea, Russia working together to strike back at the USA, Israel, and NATO.

They had assets in positions ready to move forward in the right moment. They were phone calls away from “pulling the trigger” to get things going.

I saw terrorist groups / cells on standby, waiting for the call to proceed.

I was taken from there in the spirit to meetings in the USA. The current Biden administration was in full on meltdown mode.

With every decision and move they made; things got worse. Deeper into the quicksand they went.

It was now at a point of no return for them. They were done.

It was clear that they had no ruling authority any longer, and they were acutely aware of it.

The best way I can describe what I saw was they were evaluating the last-ditch attempt to fight with all they had left in them to do everything possible to block or take out President Donald J. Trump by whatever means possible.

I was again taken in the spirit over America the Beautiful, and as I covered the land – people were gathering, big gatherings and little gatherings and everything in between but the tone was the same – and that was they were standing for the Lord, His Justice and in allegiance to the United States of America and to the Republic for which it stands, one Nation under God, indivisible, with liberty and justice for all!

I realized what I was seeing before my eyes was the rebirthing of the Republic of the United States of America, coming into Godly, Biblical Kingdom Governance for the Nation!

Things as we have known them are coming to an end!

I was taken behind a curtain of a very large stage, where President Donald J. Trump was surrounded by family, friends, generals, colleagues, and heavy security.

The moment was nearly at hand for all to see the greatest victory of light over darkness America has ever seen.

President Donald J. Trump would soon take center stage!

This would clearly impact not only America the Beautiful – but it would impact the Nations for the Glory of God!

Freedom was at hand!

As I journaled this out, the Lord spoke to me:

Barry, tell my people I work all things for good! Even though there are mysteries in my ways, and things that you have yet to comprehend or understand, I assure you that I use all things for good!

Barry, tell my people the victory is much sweeter than you could ever comprehend!

I am redeeming it all!

I have come that you would have abundant life! And that is what you shall have!

Come unto me with a surrendered and repentant heart and I will pick you up, dust you off, put a ring on your finger and give you a new robe and a new name!

Embrace the journey of intimacy with me. Do not resist it!

You shall give shelter to many.

You are called to disciple the Nations unto me!

America the beautiful you shall fulfill the destiny for which you are called!

You shall walk with Me, and you shall bring My Justice to the Nations.

Together we shall destroy the works of the enemy and evil regimes that come to kill and destroy my people!

Together we shall cut the head off the demonic snake in Iran!

That serpent has had its day!

Israel I am with you!

I will supernaturally cover you and empower you to battle and deal with things as you must!

Israel – I will not let you down! I will not turn my back on you!

Israel, I will lead you every step of the way!

And woe unto those who dare come against My people!

It would have been better you had never been born!

My justice shall be served!

Draw unto me on this day and rejoice!

For what you are about to see is going to bring in the greatest harvest the world has ever seen!

Holy is the word of the Lord.

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