Barry Wunsch

February 5,2023

Prophetic Vision and Word: Call to Throne Room Worship

A few days ago spending time with the Father I was taken into a vision / encounter of Throne Room Worship.


There was a gathering around the Throne.

It was a light brighter than the sun.

There were whirlwinds of color dancing around over us and around us.

There was a gathering as far as the eye could see, saints, and angels.

There was communication with out words.

It was pure, spirit to spirit.

I was floating above those that were gathered.

Some were coming and going, some were stationed there.

There was a heavy presence mist in the air – it was tangible!

There were creatures that I could not fully see and cannot fully describe.

I was only taken in for a glimpse and a taste of this place in the Spirit and the Holy Spirit began to share with me, and dropped this word on me.


Barry, tell my people that I am calling them to throne room worship.

I am not looking for technical perfection.

I am not seeking a performance or a show.

I am looking for your surrendered heart!

Come up higher!

You can’t see what you need to see from there!

Come, come, come! Come draw near my throne!

You will never again settle for anything less!

I am calling the pure in heart to gather with me!

I will take you in! And I I will take you up!

From this place you will experience the fullness of me!

There is so much you have yet to understand!

For as you come in – I will bring revelation to my word in you!

I will bring it to life!

As you gather in throne room worship, I will fill you, I will heal you, I will release new sounds upon the earth!

You will see and you will encounter the majesty and the magnificence of my Kingdom!

It is from this place and this place alone in me and through me and my blood that has made a way for you that brings you every victory.

I am calling you higher!

Do not settle for less!

For I desire that each one come and gather with me in the spirit of true worship around my throne.

For as you ascend and as you surrender to me I will pour out my Spirit upon you my beloved ones.

In this place I will saturate you in my Glory!

I will wreck you forever in my presence!

Nothing less will do!

Don’t let another hold you back!

I am looking for your “yes!”

We are in a day where this is essential!

Your gatherings will never be the same!

It is time to put away your agendas once and for all!

It is time to come up higher!

It is my desire to bring you all into a new place of intimacy!

You will never be the same!

Why look at the clock on the wall when you can look at me?

Do not expect to limit me as you enter this place with me!

Time will mean nothing.

As you come in and dwell with me in this place I shall move in your midst and my people will know my fervent love and desire for them!

As you gather with me in this place atmospheres will shift!

You will experience a displacement of the enemy and my Glory shall flood the land!

As you gather around, mighty hosts of heaven shall engage with you and be released upon the land to do my bidding!

Don’t hold back, come up higher!

Abandon yourself to me – it is much bigger than you ever imagined!


Holy is the word of the Lord

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