Barry Wunsch December 4,2024

Justice is Coming to Canada & The United States of America, Patriot Brothers in Arms For Evermore

I would like to share about President Trumps Tweet this week.


Let me start by saying that the Lord has put in place ancient boundary stones establishing the borders between Canada and America.


I do not believe for one moment than President Trump has an intention of removing these boundary Stones put there by God.


Canada and America are undoubtedly Brothers in Arms.


There are prophetic destinies over Canada and America,

And even though they are different they are complementary.


Canada is called -The Leaves of the trees are for the healing of the Nations, and The United States of America has a call to bring Justice to the Nations.


That will never change, in fact we are going to grow closer than we ever have; but that does not mean that we will become the 51st state of the United States of America.


I believe that President Trump and his tweet the other day was a signal and a sign that has awakened the fear with the Canadian establishment and globalist government cabal leaders.


A few years ago, I was taken into an encounter where President Trump was in a massive warehouse where evidence was being gathered.

This evidence was in relation to crimes against humanity, election fraud and foreign interference, I knew Justin Trudeau and the Canada establishment was heavily involved along with the CCP.


I heard Sydney Powell at the time over a loud speaker giving instructions to those gathering evidence. This was a massive undertaking and would bring it all to the table for real justice to be had.

I also knew President Trump was a lead player in the planning and push behind this all.


There were big satellite dishes in the back of the warehouse for communications globally and there was intelligence and evidence coming in from around the world.


At one point president Trump came up to me and whispered in my ear, it was so real I could feel his hot breath on my ear as he whispered to me, “We will be coming to Canada to deal with Prime Minister Trudeau and others as soon as we get things under control here in America.”


For the record, in that moment, I could tangibly feel the good heart of President Trump. His Love and compassion and his resolve to bring justice.


That was the gist of it.


So, at this moment in time with him coming into power my belief is that yes giving a friendly reminder to the Canadian establishment and deep state that he is coming after them.


The Canadian Liberals, NDP and the Federal Conservatives are all corrupt globalists that the Lord is going to deal with. The corrupt media is also on the list.

There will be nowhere for them to hide.


I can also say that I’m aware of Prime Minister Trudeau and others within the Canadian establishment that worked with a deep State global elites in America; the Obama’s the Bidens and the Clintons with an assassination attempt against President Trump several years ago.


It is my understanding that President Trump is well aware of these actions. Justice is coming.


I am with the understanding that this information is going to be made public, and it would be done so after the release of the P. Diddy situation that is now unfolding.

This will bring clear evidence forward against the Canadian cabal leaders deep state parliamentarians and their actions to suppress truth and to maintain control of these evil regimes.


There are also the charges that are coming in regard to a Canadian Company and the election interference they were involved with in the US Presidential Election 2020.

Canada / Trudeau, China and Deep State America leaders are all on that list of charges!

Canada the True North and Free -Justice is coming!

America the Beautiful – Justice is coming!



Now, there was a second picture shared this week with President Trump in a RCMP uniform.


To me, this is a signal that he is coming to Canada (one way or another) to bring arrests of these evil ones.


These guys are not going to get off the hook.


The crimes against humanity for which they are going to be charged and brought into military tribunals well shock the world.


And so, this is the real call to prayer coverage for President Trump and those that he’s walking closely with to get this done for they will try to do everything they can to stop him.


For this does not just relate to America but it clearly relates to Canada and other nations of the world.


There is a remnant in Canada that is a resistance postured for reformation here within Canada.


God is raising up godly men and women to stand up and lead and they are taking their place.

The real threat right now in Canada we have a published number of 6.1 million illegal immigrants here, but I’ve been told that numbers closer to 10 million.


Per capita that is a far harder statistic to look at than the American numbers per capita.


With the Chinese troops that are on Canadian soil and consideration has Canada stands up against these things we need the support and the help of President Trump and our American brothers and sisters to bring freedom to Canada.


Now is the time to press in and contend for the Lord to have His way in our Nations, to protect those of us on the front lines of this spiritual battle.

We need the prayer covering and support now more than ever.


Things are running extremely hot right now and will until the end of January 2025 and potentially beyond that.


There is much to do.

We are only getting started.


Let us press in like never before and may we be as bold as a Loin!

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