December 2, 2022

Respectfully Submitted

Barry Wunsch

The last 4 days I have woken up at 4:44 am. Wide awake.

I have gotten up and been spending time with the Lord in prayer and intercession and pressing into the spirit with Him.

Two days ago, He whispered to me “Australia, things are hitting a boiling point” and since that moment felt a deep stirring in the spirit for Australia and her call to the Nations.

This morning, The Lord woke me again at 4:44am and dropped this word on me.

As I understand it 444hz is a frequency that is the key of David.

So here is the word, raw uncut, nothing added, nothing excluded.

Respectfully Submitted,

Barry Wunsch


“Barry tell my people Australia is a sign. Australia things are hitting a boiling point!

Australia I am giving you the key of David!

Australia hear me clearly today – I am calling you to TURN THE KEY!!


Australia, I have given it to you. I have entrusted it to you!

It is time to use it!

Turn the KEY!

For as you do, you will open up the gates over Australia to release my Glory and my Power!

Australia my Beloved I am calling you to lead the way!

For as you stand, as you worship me from the public square you will see me flip things over, from front to back, from the north and the south from the east and the west! You will see signs wonders and miracle before your eyes!

Australia your military is going to shift!

For they have now tasted the bitter, bitter waters and have a bad taste in their mouth.

No longer shall they be compelled by lies and deception!

The tipping point is near!

The planning is in place!

Preparations are being made!

For I am oiling them up by my Sprit in this hour!

It will go smoother than you think!

Australia your streets will resound with singing!

Your streets will resound with victory!

Turn the KEY Australia – Turn the KEY!

You must not relent, you must not hold back!

NOW is the time for the high praises to go forth over your Nation!

Australia – you will not be taken from ME!

For I have called you to release a new sound through out the earth!

And that time is upon you!

Those that seek to control you are few!

They have nothing over me!

Let me assure you Australia my beloved I am your deliverer and deliver you I shall!

You have prayed for my fire and my fire you shall have.

For I am bringing a fire to your government, your parliament that will expose and consume every evil plan and agenda against my people.

For they can try to hide from me, and they can try to manipulate the narrative with lie after lie, but my truth will burn it all to the ground!

They will run and try to escape the consequences for the blood on their hands, but there is no where they will be able to hide form Me.

For vengeance is mine.

Australia my Beloved to not loose heart for your redeemer lives and draws nigh!

I have not forgotten you, nor have I turned my back on you!

I have heard every prayer, seen every tear. Not one have I missed!

Australia my beloved brace yourself and prepare for the out pouring of my Spirit that you have travailed for!

Australia prepare for I am bringing you Freedom!

Not like before, this Freedom is in Me and through Me!

And it will not be denied!

Holy is the word of the Lord

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