Prophetic Word for America & Donald J Trump

August 11, 2022

Respectfully Submitted

Barry Wunsch


Lies lies lies! They are all lies!

The Father of lies is pulling out the stops!

And they will all be exposed!

There are rooms full of evil and demonic spinners taking truth and turning it into manipulated manifestos in this very hour!

They will try – and they will fail to manipulate and control this land that I love – America the Beautiful!

The harder they push the faster they shall fall into the very pit they have dug!

For my hand still rests upon a man called in this hour!

And Donald J Trump is his name!

For my work with him has only just begun!

For I, I alone hold the Destiny of this great nation in my hands!

And it shall not be taken from me!

For I shall use all things to bring truth righteousness and justice back into this land that I love!

Watch closely as you will soon see those who I have warned come to their own demise!

For even those who are wolves in sheep’s clothing will be brought to light!

For the kingdom of God is near!

Hold fast unto me!

Do not pay heed to the false prophets in the airwaves! For they are full of lies!

Coming to kill steal and betray!

For assuredly I say unto you on this day that they shall pay a great price for the blood on thier hands!

I am raising up a kingdom people, a Holy army called by my name to stand against this vile evil agenda that the enemy has at play.

Jesus Christ the commander and chief shall lead the way and He shall prevail above all!

Donald J Trump I have called you by name.

You are mine. Put aside every distraction in this hour – and draw near unto me.

For I shall lead you in ways that you know not.

You have honored me in this Nation and I will now honor you!

The sword they have drawn against you they themselves shall fall upon!

For I am releasing Angel armies to go before you and those with you in this hour.

Evidence shall fall into your hands!

And the world shall see, and know that I the Lord God Almighty is flipping things over right before thier eyes!

For American the Great, America the Beautiful – you are mine!

I have not forsaken you!

I have not turned my back on you!

You will soon understand that what I could have prevented by my power was done by my wisdom for greater Glory!

Holy is the word of the Lord

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