Andrew Whalen July 11, 2024

I can already hear some nails on the chalkboard with this post… but please hear my heart.  We are in times of reformation!

Some may take offense to this.. but its not meant to be offensive towards anyone!

– From what I have ‘seen’ by the spirit of the Lord, God is going to decrease (Not eliminate) the use of ‘stages’ as a place of Gospel presentation.

I stand on stages to preach.. is God mad at me? – NO

Will I still stand on stages to preach? – Yes – but I believe that will decrease over time

Is a stage evil? – NO

Is a stage neutral? – Yes

Does God use stages- Yes

Have I been blessed by the ways God used stages? – absolutely!

Why would God decrease this? —-

My thoughts:

-the stage has usurped the table of communion.

-the stage has become the paradigm for what ministry looks like and where it happens.

-the stage is used as a ‘reward system’ for those who ‘advance’ in the body of Christ.

-the stage can separate the body into ‘unbiblical’ classes.  Clergy/Laity

-the stage highlights position regardless of anointing.

-the stage puts a bullseye on a leader for satan to prop up and destroy.

-the stage is also a place where actors perform

-the stage can dictate the order and flow of gatherings, usurping the leadership of the Holy Spirit.

– the stage teaches the body that it does not ‘share’ in priesthood apart from stage positions.

-the stage conditions the body to sleep and de-activate their responsibility as ministers in the body.

-the stage teaches young converts/ new believers that ‘great’ Christians are those seen on a stage.

-the stage is often a polished version of Christianity which real life does not afford us.

-the stage has been at the center too long, regardless of Christ.

-the stage promotes ministry activity, but not relational life.

-the stage was largely borrowed from pagan culture that was made to promote man’s ideas not body life or ministry.

– the stage fosters the ability for ‘leaders’ to say one thing, and live another.

– the stage allows for a few to grow in the use of their gifts but stifles the growth of the rest.

-the stage is a worn out method of reaching the world, that the Bible gives not mention to.   (* This is an edited add in — I don’t want to imply that God won’t use stages anymore to reach the lost!  If you are on a stage to preach — Then you better preach with all your heart and win as many as possible!… – the point is (wineskins, methodology, and strategies are changing)

-the stage has been easily hi-jacked by man, worldly philosophy, antichrist spirits, and false teaching without the ability to bring a ‘rebuttal’.

……   For these reasons and probably several others, I do believe God is going to begin to decrease the ‘place’ of the stage as the center and focus of our fellowship and Christian ministry.    Again — please be careful how you process this..  don’t go off against your pastor or church leaders because they are on a stage!   God will do this in his time and way.   — For now I am sharing this to prayerfuly pray and consider how God is bringing great reformation to the body of Christ!     — And yes..  I will continue to stand on a stage in the places God sends me and tells me to!

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