I have prayed for over a year about fully releasing the warning dreams I have been given. The Lord has confirmed in many ways, and I do feel now is the time.


Below is a timeline of warning dreams that I have had, which I believe are relative to what is coming. I will be doing a video going over the details of these soon, but felt to go ahead and share this now.


July 2, 2021 – Dream of many buildings collapsing outside of Atlanta, GA. I am aware in the dream that this is happening all across the nation, in and around many cities, especially larger ones. There is chaos in the streets, and we aren’t able to drive as easily. We get out of our car and are hiking to get to our supplies, due to people driving too erratically, like in a 3rd world country where there are no traffic laws. I have no fear, but simply know that we must do what we have planned.


It has been confirmed since this dream, through dreams that other prophetic voices have shared, as well as other things, that the buildings collapsing represents our U.S. economy collapsing. This will affect all of us here in the U.S., and ultimately other nations as well. It will be rough for a time, but we will come through as we trust in Him.


March 18th, 2022 – I have a short dream of Darin and I in a warehouse type place (like Costco). Very little food and supplies on shelves, and building is kind of dimly lit. We are waiting our turn to go back and receive our rations. Again, no fear, it just is what it is, and we are waiting to receive our portion of rations.


April 29th 2022 – I have a very intense and detailed dream, in 2 parts. First part is regarding Germany being pressured by Russia to come out of “agreement/relationship with Ukraine. That part of the dream is rather quick.


The second part is more detailed and felt as if it was very real and had happened. When I awoke, I had to shake myself to realize it had not actually happened and was a dream.


This part of the dream is about Russia dropping bombs over Pakistan, and then I have the knowing they are headed here to the U.S. next. Darin and I were inside the place we currently live. The bombs being dropped were nuclear, but could have been smaller nuclear bombs, that would be more localized. They were being dropped by black, stealth looking, Russian fighter jets. (Note: I have never had a concept or thought of nuclear bombs actually being used…not sure why not, but it had never crossed my mind until this dream).


Once again, I was not afraid in the dream, but was on high alert and resolute. I knew it was time to implement the plan we had, and get our supplies together for surviving for a bit. I had a sense of “Ok, this is what we’ve planned for, let’s do this!”. I will share the post I released from last April about this dream, in the comments below.

After much prayer, I do believe that these 3 dreams are in sequential order of how they will play out. I also believe the first dream of collapsing will happen this summer. Myself and several others have had July highlighted to us I encourage you to please NOT get into fear…now is a time to stand in great FAITH! God is giving His people a heads up about what is coming, so we can be more prepared spiritually and physically. Can we stop these things with prayer? From what I have understood, and from the discussions I have had with others…no, we cannot. I believe we can perhaps diminish what is coming with prayer, and definitely pray for our and our families protection THROUGH these things, but not ultimately stop them. That is my understanding. In judgment, I pray for mercy! #FaithOverFear #HelsWithUs


In the midst of these things happening, the Holy Spirit will be moving in great power, and we will experience unprecedented outpourings of His fire and Glory! U It will be an Isaiah 60 time.. and we will ARISE and SHINE in the midst of great darkness!


I share to help prepare His remnant, both spiritually and physically. Do what you can to prepare in both ways, as it will be needed.


#BestOfTimes #WorstOfTimes #PrayAndPrepare #Acts1128


In prayer & preparation,


Amanda Shiflett ~ Prophetic Reformer

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