Barry Wunsch September 18, 4:36 am MST

Prophetic Word: October is going to run hot & the weight of My Glory is going to be upon you!

Barry there is a Red Moon rising.

The one tonight is a sign for my people.

They have pushed Putin too far.

And yes, they knew exactly what they were doing.

The gate is closing.

Barry, tell my people they are playing with fire.


What is about to come is something they have never seen before.

Apocalyptic in nature if they had it their way.

They will not play fair.

They are like blood thirsty animals, driven by the demonic Prince of Persia.

This has been centuries in the making.

The bear, the dragon, and the eagle are in the center of it all.

Tensions have never been higher. Conditions are tinder dry.

One more spark in the wrong place and it will be game on.

There is a new year coming only a few days away on My calendar, not theirs.

Let Me be clear. It is I who controls time and hold eternity in My hands. No other!

You shall see supernatural protection for My people.

My righteousness right hand will cover them.

Tell my people to fear not!

This is not east vs west as much as it is good vs evil, light vs darkness.

And I win, for I am the light!

There are things that can’t be avoided.

There are things that have to play out.

There are things that cannot be stopped.

There are some things that have to take their course.

Do not think that you have it figured out.

There is nothing in days gone by that compares to what is about to take place.

Man has been speculating for Centuries over these things than I have hidden.

It is time to put speculations aside, it is time for action.

There is a merging together that is upon you now for people regions and nations in the light to stand up in the authority that I have given them and drive out this present darkness.!

Conflict is unavoidable.

There is no way around it.

Again, I say unto you do not fear!

For I am bringing freedom to the Nations.

Do not resist it. And do not sit idly by.

I assure you freedom is coming!

These evil regimes have had their day.

They are not apprised of My weapons that are in My hands!

I can jam them up in a second!

They have no advantage on Me, The Lord God Almighty!

They are delusional if they believe they do!

There are National leaders, governments and organizations who you were brainwashed to trust that have been against you all along.

They have been deeply infiltrated to the core and the highest chair.

The dismantling and deconstruction of these evil structures and platforms is at hand!

So, the question is, who is with Me?

Who is prepared to walk with Me?

Who is prepared to follow Me?

Who is prepared to work with Me to bring heaven to earth?

Who is prepared to help tear down?

Who is prepared to rebuild?

Who has counted the cost?

Did you think for a minute that I would do this alone?

I have always worked with My people.

Those called by My name.

They can do nothing without Me, but as they move and walk in faith, I will bring the victory time and time again.

And I shall get all the glory and the honor.

For what is needed is impossible without Me!

The deep state is already on their back foot!

I am about to wake up the masses!

This can’t be stopped.

No amount of prayer will stop what I am about to do!

Scales will fall off their eyes!

They will be calling out unto My name!

They will run to my Altar!

They will cry out in repentance.

As they turn from their wicked ways I will heal their land.

Again, October is going to run hot.

The weight of My Glory is going to be upon you!

Holy is the word of the Lord

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