Diana Larkin July 22, 2024


“THE NEXT CHESS MOVES by the darkness will SEEM scary and very threatening to those not yet ALIGNED with My HEART. My Army of Light, you have GROWN so much in KNOWING My HEART and in TRUSTING My WAYS that you SHOULD NOT REACT with FEAR or INTIMIDATION or be caught OFF-GUARD by these LAST, DESPERATE CHESS MOVES of the darkness. Choose to see these PANICKED MOVES from My perspective and with the knowledge of My ADVANCE NOTICE of THE NEXT CHESS MOVES. You know that the enemy seeks to change the times and seasons in order to establish his CONTROL and TYRANNY. (Daniel 7:25) What makes you think that I’m not working BEHIND THE SCENES PUSHING the ENEMY’S TIMELINE and EVIL SCHEMES to be RELEASED PREMATURELY? What you will see are HALF-BAKED SCHEMES that will FALL FAR SHORT of their INTENDED DESTRUCTION. Instead of becoming FEARFUL or OVERWHELMED, realize that their ARSENAL is RAPIDLY being SPENT. It will PUSH them to the BRINK of releasing their LAST DESTRUCTIVE SCHEME that will lead to their COMPLETE DOWNFALL and DEMISE. You have seen the POWER of your WARFARE against the camp of the enemy that has caused them to be DIVIDED and CONFUSED. Now, RISE IN CONFIDENCE and meet each new THREAT with your STAFF of AUTHORITY and your SWORD of TRUTH.

DECLARE: ‘I take authority over this scheme of darkness, and I defeat it in the name of Jesus; and I remove its power to cause death and destruction by the superior power of My God. I release into the atmosphere COURAGE, PEACE, and LIGHT. Let it cover the enemy with SHAME and AWAKEN the sleeping world to a MIGHTY GOD who LOVES them and is FOR them Army of Light, BE NOT MOVED BY THE NEXT CHESS MOVES.”

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